𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 : 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖞𝖔𝖚


I'm so proud of you and so grateful I was able to be there when you opened the email from Standford. Did you know only 4% of people get in? I mean, of course, you knew that but you got in! You're in that 4% that got in and I am so so proud of you, you worked so hard to get there, even if you didn't show up to most of your classes this year but I know they're all too easy for you anyway.

oh and of course I trust you, honestly, if you'd want I'd even be down for you to be on one of my streams or even a charity stream that I want to do? It is all of course up to you since I know it can be overwhelming sometimes.

Tommy and Toby wouldn't shut up about you last night after I drove back home or the night before, they kept asking to talk to you again and Tommy wanted to do a stream all about talking to you, giving you a nickname and everything, and then making a youtube about it to get views, he does that about any and every woman that he talks to though. But they are really interested in you, I wanted to tell them about you getting into Standford but I didn't, not yet, I didn't know if you wanted them to know but if you do you can always tell them or anything, it would just give me bragging rights to be able to say that one of my best friends are going to Standford.

the whole color thing is really cool, I find it really fascinating and I feel like it is actually pretty accurate, you really do have a vivid imagination and you can be slightly impulsive but I love that about you, it makes things more fun and exciting, and yeah, I'd say mine is pretty accurate as well, I do usually try to keep my circle small and well you did say I have the biggest orenda of anyone you've ever met before.

I won't lie, I have probably talked about you to my friends and chat more than they'd like but they love hearing about you and all the stories I tell, even if there aren't that many but they do seem to like hearing me talk about you and I can't help but talk about you, you're one of those people I probably wouldn't be able to shut up about if that doesn't sound weird or creepy? I mean that you are really cool and I love your personality and everything so I end up talking about you a lot.

Anyways I love Halloween, it isn't my favorite holiday though but it is in the top three, I loved Halloween growing up, I didn't actually go trick or treating much either though but the whole dressing up and eating junk food thing was always a favorite.

However, my favorite holiday is actually Christmas, I love the whole vibe of it, the music, the (cheesy) movies, the cookies, the being able to not only give but receive presents, and being able to spend time with people that mean a lot to you, it's always been my favorite holiday, at one point though it was my favorite just because it would mean I'd get to see my sister but even when I was young I still loved it.

Now, my question for you is... What is one of your favorite memories from before this year?

My answer would be the first time my sister visited from Florida, she had this guy with her, they were dating but she broke up with him not long after. Anyways, she had come home to visit for the first time and it was Christmas since she couldn't make it back for thanksgiving but she decided to take me to this rollerskating rink since I had never been and she thought it would be funny but we spent the whole time clinging on to each other and laughing and I accidentally ended up falling over and sliding into her boyfriend at the times legs and making him trip up, he ended up yelling at me so she broke up with him but it was still the highlight of the whole holiday for me.

bye for now, the person who apparently can't stop talking about you, Noah.

Noah smiled as he looked up at the girl from his paper, she was already looking his way, the biggest smile on her face as she was thinking about the day before, she still couldn't believe it, she was one of 4% that had been accepted into Standford, it really had been her dream so she hadn't stopped smiling since.

As she met Noah's eyes from just a few meters away her smile grew along with his before she quickly crossed her eyes, poking her tongue out at the boy causing him to try not to laugh before he made a face back to her causing her to have to hold back a laugh, the two went back and forth like that for a few minutes, trying to not laugh or disturb their classmates. But what they hadn't realized was that some of their classmates had noticed and that a few of them actually found it cute but they also would get annoyed at how obviously blind the two were being.

As the rest of their classmates left the class the two teens stayed back like they did every day, meeting in the middle of their seats before talking for a few seconds.

"Miss Roberts! Guess what!" Echo called out to their teacher as she sat at the desk in the front of the room, both teens making their way closer to her as Echo pulled out her phone, clicking on the already read email.

"No way" Miss Roberts spoke, her mouth agape as her eyes skimmed over the email a couple more times, making sure to read it over and to make sure she wasn't mistaking it. "You made it into Standford?" She asked, her eyes making their way up to the giddy girl, this was the happiest she had seen Echo in her whole time at the high school and she couldn't help but smile.

Noah was stood not too far away, a proud smile on his face as he watched the amazing girl not too far ahead of him as she showed their teacher her acceptance email and as she nodded happily before being brought into a hug by their teacher he couldn't help his smile grow wider and wider.

As Marcus and Ace had knocked on the classroom door to signify that they were there like usually neither could help the smiles on their faces as they saw Echo talking to the teacher excitedly.

As Echo had finished talking to Miss Roberts the older of the two asked to speak to Noah to which the shorter teen waited outside, closing the door just in case.

"Yeah Miss Roberts?" Noah asked, almost worried he had done something wrong but instead of her saying anything she brought him into a quick hug, "Thank you for being there for her, I haven't ever seen her this happy and I doubt she would be this happy or have progressed this much without you being her friend" The older smiled up at the boy who just smiled, a blush on his cheeks as he did so.

As the small group walked to their usual spot they went to for lunch they were talking away, the twins next to each other while the other two teens walked closely together.

As the four of them finally arrived at their usual spot Echo smiled widely as they all sat down, "So I'm guessing you got some good news?" Marcus asked the girl with a small laugh, noticing how giddy she had been all day, "Oh yeah, I got into Standford" Echo spoke quietly, her voice soft as the two twin's eyes went wide in excitement and shock, "Holy shit? Isn't that one of the hardest colleges to get into?" Ace asked, his voice rising slightly as the words left his mouth, causing both Echo and Noah to laugh lightly, "It's got a 4% acceptance rate, let's just say we're best friends with a genius" Noah spoke, his smile growing wider as he gently stuck his arm around her, giving her a slight side hug but keeping his arm there.

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