𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊 : 𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍

Echo was sat in her English class, it was the second semester of her senior year of high school, she only had a few months left before she could leave that place.

Echo couldn't help but bounce her leg slightly as she tapped her pencil against the paper of her notebook, it was rare that Liana would actually show up to her classes unless she had a quiz but she would always show up to English, it was her favorite subject.

As the English teacher, Miss Roberts made her way into the classroom, taking her seat at her desk the class quietened down, not wanting to make her annoyed on the first day back since winter break.

"Everyone, I'll be honest with you all, almost no one wants to be back and I know we were all enjoying our winter break but we're back now so I have to give you your work." Miss Emma spoke, she was always honest with her students, she knew it helped them relate to her a bit more and that was part of the reason she was so many people's favorite teacher.

"This semester you'll be writing letters back and forth, not to any of your friends, to someone that I have chosen for you to write them to, you can write these letters in class or in your spare time but you won't know who you are writing these letters to as they will be anonymous unless you decide to reveal who you are to that person but once you have finished your letter you will give it to me and I will pass it on" Miss Roberts spoke, Echo couldn't help but look around the class, trying to see who was in there to try to figure out who she might end up writing to.

As Miss Roberts handed out papers to half of the class she explained that everyone else could go on their phones, Echo was hoping she would be part of the second half but just as Miss Roberts was handing a paper to the person next to her she handed one to Echo as well.

"You can introduce yourself without introducing yourself, give some examples of what you enjoy or don't enjoy, and basically don't take it too seriously although you will be graded off of this." She spoke before sitting back down at her desk, turning on her phone to go through it once more.

Dear whoever is going to get this.

God, this is weird, isn't it? Like we're just writing letters to some random person in this class.

I probably know you, I wonder if we're close? Did you grow up here? I only moved here a couple of years ago, it's boring and I don't like most of the classes but English has always been my favorite subject, that's the only reason I'm here and doing this really.

I'm not good at telling people about myself, I have one friend, she doesn't go here, she's actually living in England right now but we still talk as much as we can.

I don't have any friends here though like I said, I'm not good at telling people about myself so I resorted to being a loner, a loser if you will but I'm okay with that because like I said, it's boring here.

Bye- Your classmate.

Echo finished scribbling down words before resorting to looking at her phone again, tapping her pencil against her papers once more as she got fidgety.

Echo couldn't help the fidgets she got, she needed a way to get rid of them but she knew she couldn't without taking her medicine but she didn't like taking her medicine, it made her feel boring and not herself, she needed to be able to express herself and when she was on her meds she couldn't so she vowed to just not take them anymore.

Miss Roberts quickly noticed Echo's movements, seeing that she needed to get out of her seat before she got overwhelmed so she quickly typed something out on her computer, looking around the class for a certain boy as well.

"Noah and Echo could you please go grab a few things from the printing office for me?" Miss Roberts asked the two, the two of their heads shot up as they heard their names being mentioned.

Echo quickly stood from her seat, grabbing the letter she had written as she lightly drummed her fingertips against her leg as she walked up to the teacher's desk, handing her the letter before she made her way out to the hallway where Noah had been waiting for her.

"So do you know why she got us to go together? I barely know you apart from the classes we are supposed to have together" Noah spoke suddenly, interrupting the awkward silence that had gone over the two.

Echo couldn't help the small sigh that escaped her lips as she looked up to the incredibly tall teen, "Well I don't know why you're getting sent but she always sends me out because she knows I need it sometimes otherwise I get overwhelmed because I need something to do and like fidget with ya know?" Echo spoke, trying to be cautious as to what she said, Noah raised an eyebrow at her statement, almost intrigued as to what she was saying but deciding not to ask any questions as it was obvious she didn't want to talk about it.

"So your accent is different, where are you from?" Noah asked, once again interrupting the awkward silence, "I moved here from England a few years ago because my parents decided it would be best if I lived with my grandparents" Echo stated, it was true, she had moved to California four years ago to live with her grandparents but it wasn't just because her parents thought it would be for the best, it was because Echo's father got arrested and Echo's mother got with some random guy that didn't want her in the house but Echo couldn't care less though as she never really got along with her family that well apart from her grandparents and she was happy living with them now.

The two made awkward small talk throughout the entire walk to the printing office just to find out that there hadn't been anything printed for Miss Roberts, their teacher had been notified and she just said it was okay and for the two teens to head back to class.

"So you know some things about me, what about you? Did you grow up here?" Echo asked Noah, stepping out of her comfort zone slightly, Noah smiled at the question as he had noticed he had asked every question so far but she had finally asked one.

"Yeah I've grown up here, there's never really been too much to do but my friends always somehow end up making some things slightly interesting" Noah smiled slightly at the thought of his two best friends from the school, they had been friends all their school lives and had tried out for the volleyball teams together, they had always been like three peas in a pod except the other two would end up pulling pranks and getting in trouble while Noah helped yet still somehow didn't end up getting caught, like ever.

"Wait your friends with Marcus and Ace Johnson aren't you?" Echo asked the taller teen, having heard of the pranks that the two would get caught pulling during their time in school.

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