𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 : 𝖒𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖊𝖘


Will wanted to talk to you again, he hadn't stopped laughing the other day when you had walked out, Tommy was going on and on about you had told him that you watched Will's videos so you've got Tommy to blame because of that but Will said he thought you were really cool, that you had made him laugh.

I know today isn't always a good day for you so Toby had the idea for us to just watch movies and stuff which I thought was cool:)

To answer your question... One thing I have always wished I did more of is taking pictures. It doesn't matter whats happening in them but the ones Ive got I love, I just wish I took more because well, you can always have the memories in your head but sometimes you forget or you can't find all the words but when there are photos, when there is actual physical proof it makes it so much cooler.

Now, what is the dumbest idea you've had that at the time you thought was the best thing ever?

When I was younger, my sister and I had the oh so amazing idea to jump from the balcony we have onto the trampoline we used to have, as you could probably tell, it didn't end well, my sister had ended up breaking her ankle and I had gotten a concussion when our parents found out they weren't the happiest, but now they will sometimes make fun of us for being the idiots we were when we were younger. Plus since we had done that it had caused us to find out about Nova's bone disease which I guess helped a bit since she started to get treatment from it.

Or there is the time Nova and I had decided to spend all day and all night reading random books because we had been really big brain and thought it would make us extra smart but I haven't picked up a book and finished it since plus by the end of it I couldn't form sentences and my dreams just were full of these books, which on one hand made some pretty interesting dreams but I had a headache for like a week.

Bye for now, the coolest guy ever.

Noah knew today wouldn't be easy on Echo, it was her brother, Alec's birthday which meant that her mother and siblings would be celebrating in England, without her just like they did for all of her sibling's birthdays, just like she did for her own.

So now there the two were, sat in Noah's bedroom watching random movies, it was nearing 6pm now, they had watched two movies in total but they were both starting to get tired.

Both were brought awake by Noah's phone ringing, a facetime coming from a group chat that he was in. The two were laid down, Noah's arm around Echo as she had her head laid on his chest, so when he noticed it was his, Toby and Tommy's group chat neither minded moving and he picked up.

"Hey guys what's up" He spoke, he held his phone with one hand as the one around Echo went through her hair lightly, she was barely in view of the camera, apart from the very top of the hoodie she was wearing, Noah's hoodie.

"Noah! Hey, so what are you doing right now?" Tommy had spoken first, it would've been getting late for the English boys, so he wasn't surprised when a yawn left Toby's mouth. "I'm watching some movies, why Tommy?" As the words left the teen's mouth he looked down at Echo, she was already staring back up to him, a small smile on her lips as she admired him and his features.

"Wait are you with Echo right now? Hi Echo!" Toby called out, causing Echo to poke her head up a bit more, a small smile on her face as she did so, "Hi boys" She smiled which caused Tommy to smirk widely.

The next thing that could be heard was the sound of someone else being invited to the call and that person joining, so when Echo saw the 24-year-old on the screen she ducked slightly, "What's up? Did you need me for something?" Will spoke, confusion evident in his voice, he had decided he would pretend to not notice Echo ducking away.

"Hey Ive just got to do something, can you talk to the boys for me? Just for a minute?" Noah asked the girl as a look of worry crossed her features, Noah had muted himself before he said it but she couldn't help the worry, she wasn't always good with talking to new people, "Hey hey, Tommy and Toby are there and Will really likes you, I'll be two seconds okay? I'm just going to be down the hall and you can just call me and I'll come back" Noah smiled down at the girl, hugging her slightly before he stood, handed her his phone, and walked out of the bedroom.

"Hey, sorry Noah just has to do something quickly" Echo spoke quickly after unmuting herself, she quickly looked at the closed door once more just to cheek if Noah was still there, "Oh that's all good" Toby smiled at the girl, the two had grown close over the past few months, having talked a lot through Noah. "How're you today Echo?" Toby smiled, taking a weight off of her shoulders, causing her to let a small smile take over her features. "I've been okay, I'm just glad Noah's been here" She smiled, pulling her knees closer to her chest, missing the warmth that had now left with Noah.

"Echo this is Will since you guys didn't get to meet last time" Tommy spoke, a smirk on his features as he introduced the two, this caused Echo to playfully roll her eyes as a small blush spread over her cheeks, "It's nice to meet you" She smiled towards the elder.

"So is what I've heard true Echo? did you really get into Standford even though apparently you went to barely any of your classes? Because that is widely impressive like they have such a small percentage of getting in and you must be crazy smart to even get thought about for there let alone get accepted like I bet you'd probably be able to beat dream in a quiz or something" Will had quickly realized he was rambling which caused the girl to relax, which caused her to let out a small laugh, "Sorry I just never hear enough about you, if it's not Noah its these two" Will let out a small laugh as the words left his mouth which caused Tommy to quickly deny what the older had said. "Yeah, I got into Standford and yes I barely went to any of my classes apart from English, in fact when Noah and I had first talked he had brought up the fact we were supposed to have all of our classes together but he's actually gotten me to go to a lot more classes now, so the school also actually asked me to do a speech" Echo smiled widely as she spoke, she would always be proud of her accomplishments.

That was when Noah had decided to finally grace the group with his presents once more, smiling widely as he entered the room with two plates of spaghetti, one of Echos' favorites.

So after talking to the small group of people for a small while they ended up hanging up so the two Americans could eat.

The two spent the rest of the night watching movies in Noah's bedroom, not having a single worry in the world and forgetting about all of their stresses because in those moments it was them and only them and they were in peace.

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