𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 : 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖔𝖐𝖆𝖞


It's weird knowing that you're well you, that you know the stuff I wrote about, that it was you I was writing to the whole time.

Sure, maybe one day we can go to Brighton Palace Pier, you can meet Alexia and my siblings, Alec, Alice, Aiden and Angle and I can meet Toby and all your other friends from the UK.

Your dreams aren't basic, I find them amazing and inspiring, you want to help people and donate to charities, that's more than most people will do in their lives and I'll be there, watching it from the sidelines, I'll always cheer for you when seeing your content.

People seem to misunderstand the fact that I'm quiet because I don't have friends but in reality, I'm usually quiet because I know that the majority of the time people leave, whether that be yourself or the other person, someone will leave and that heartbreak hearts, it doesn't even matter how the person leaves, they do, you can try everything but unless you somehow die together at the same time someone will leave and you'll be left broken so that's why I don't talk to people very much because I'm afraid of the heartbreak of losing people.

Anyways, what's your favorite candy? Mine would have to be m&m's but not the normal ones, the mini ones, there isn't really an actual reason why but I've just always liked them that little bit more.

Oh, and I realized I don't have your number so here's mine. [insert number here lol]

I might not be at school too much this week so message me if you need me but I'll be okay.


Echo didn't really know how she had managed to get out of bed that morning, she felt like complete shit and most people could tell, both Noah and Miss Roberts growing worried about her with each minute.

Echo hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, she had however cried that much she was probably dehydrated, she had just been wishing the night before would have been a nightmare. the house was too quiet, it usually was in the mornings and at night anyways but it was too quiet, everything was off and Echo hated it, she hated the silence, she hated the flowers in the garden and the swing in the yard, she hated the decorations hung around her room, she hated the chairs around the dining table, she hated everything about the house she had spent the last four years living in and she couldn't stand it but she knew she had to go back, she knew she had to be there, she knew that she had to make sure her grandfather was okay.

So when Echo slightly, silently jolted awake in her desk chair she was confused as to where she was, the class was still full and she could feel eyes on her, so as she looked around she only saw two pairs of eyes, trying to figure out what was wrong.

She saw Miss Roberts giving her a slight look before nodding out to the hallway slightly, motioning for her to go out there because she wanted to talk with her.

Echo rolled her eyes slightly before standing, she felt slightly light-headed when she did so but she tried to play it off and walk outside to where her teacher was waiting.

"Echo, what's up? You're falling asleep which you never do and you seem like something's wrong" Miss Roberts asked the girl, she really was concerned for her, she had grown fond of Echo during her time there, she knew Echo was beyond smart and that she probably didn't even need to be there in the classes, that's why she never cared when Echo skipped her other classes.

"I'm fine, I just didn't get a good sleep last night" Echo spoke, leaning against the wall slightly before she slid down it, she knew she couldn't lie to the teacher in front of her, so as Miss Roberts sat down next to her, her own back against the wall, Miss Roberts pulled her into a side hug, knowing that Echo probably just really needed a hug at that moment.

"I can't stay there, I hate everything about that house, everything. I hate it and I can't sleep there, it's too quiet and eerie, and she's gone, I miss her and I don't want her to be gone but she is and I don't know what to do, my grandad doesn't know what to do, she was always the one that knew what to do, she always knew everything but now she's gone and I don't know what to do" Echo finally let some of her emotions out, a few tears escaping from her eyes.

Miss Roberts had known that Echo's grandmother was always in and out of hospital but she thought that she'd have a few more years yet. She did however know very well that Echo had looked up to both of her grandparents as role models because her real parents weren't really ever good examples and they never really treated her that well.

"Hey, it's okay, when did this happen? Was it yesterday? Noah mentioned he drove you home at lunch, did you find out then?" Miss Roberts quickly asked the girl who simply just nodded, tears running down her cheeks, she never knew how to deal with her emotions, she just tended to let them build up inside her until she couldn't handle it then one extra thing would cause an episode, she would stay in her room, not leave her bed, she would be completely numb to the world and usually, no one would be able to reach her, she'd be alone to face all of her emotions which she never wanted but she couldn't help it, her brain would cause it, it would shut them all out and just not let them in until she thought she was better but she never was, she was just able to put on a smile again.

"Do you want to have asleep in my car? You need to sleep and the desks are uncomfortable, I'm pretty sure there are blankets and everything in my car, you can use those and lay down, it'll be better than in school and it might be a bit better than your bed right now" Miss Roberts spoke.

Echo was hesitant at first, she never liked people doing things for her, it made her feel like she was taking them for granted because growing up, that's basically what she was taught.

When Miss Roberts had gone back in the class, leaving Echo alone for a few seconds she managed to get Noah to grab all of her things and then give him her keys, letting him leave the classroom.

"Hey, Echo, it's just me, I've got your things okay?" Noah whispered down to her, she was already going slightly numb, wanting to shut down, shut the world out, that was why Miss Roberts would've sent Noah with her, she knew that if she was alone for too long then she'd shut the world out, she wouldn't accept help whatsoever but she trusted Noah so maybe, just maybe if he was with her she wouldn't shut the world out, maybe she'd be okay.

Echo still felt slightly light-headed as they walked towards Miss Roberts's car, she was dragging her feet slightly, not wanting to put any work into anything.

Almost as soon as the two got into the car Echo leaned into Noah's side, falling asleep, she was finally calm for the first time in almost twenty-four hours, she didn't cry, she didn't scream or yell, she didn't break down, she fell asleep and she slept peacefully, leaning against Noah as he just went on his phone, messaging Marcus and Ace they probably wouldn't be at lunch.

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