𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 : 𝖊𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖘


Your friends, Toby and Tommy are great, talking to them last night was amazing both when they were streaming and when they weren't.

Thank you for trusting me to tell me not only about your streaming but also trusting me with talking to your friends and letting me into that part of your life, it really does seem like a whole other world and I'm really proud of you for making it that far.

It really does seem like such a long time since we started writing these, I mean it's been just over a month and in a few more we'll both be done with school, well high school at least considering I'm going to college but we'll both be done with high school and then you'll be going to England, it's all happening really fast and I can't believe it, we're both almost out of this place.

In no way is your question childish, I actually believe that your favorite color says a lot about you, my favorite colour is Yellow, it has been ever since I was a kid, in fact when I was younger my dad would tell me that my favorite color being yellow meant that I had a vivid imagination or that I have a tendency to leap before I look because I tend to be impulsive sometimes which both seem to be pretty accurate so far in my life but it is also supposed to mean that I'm very positive and joyous about everything or that I can be more decisive which I'll admit, I try to be as much as possible but sometimes it is a bit hard but I know that it's okay.

I actually used to like read about what favorite colors could say about people because I wanted to know if what my dad used to tell me was true and apparently, if your favorite color is blue or a shade of blue then people will usually remember you as being warm and friendly but that when it comes to friends ships you like having close tight-knit friendships and that you're very loyal and that you seem to make an effort in fulfilling other peoples needs which if you ask me, seems pretty accurate for you, you're always willing to help people and you're always very friendly.

So no, asking what someones favorite color is could never be a childish question in my eyes, as to me it helps give a deeper insight on the person you ask.

Now, what is your favorite holiday?

My favorite holiday would be Halloween, I didn't really celebrate it when I was young so I didn't do all of the cool things like going trick or treating but my dad always let me dress up with Alexia then he'd let us watch mildly scary movies and let us eat as much candy as we wanted, it was the highlight of my year every time. But I love being able to dress up as random people or things, it doesn't even have to be scary but on Halloween it's the best thing ever, plus it's an excuse to be able to scoff down as much candy as you want and watch horror movies with whoever you want.

Also, I find it cute that you talk to your friends and chat about me oh and you're trending on Twitter lol.

You're for real biggest fan, Echo

As Echo looked up from the letter she had been writing she smiled, he was already looking at her, causing her smile to grow wider along with his before they once again started to make faces at the other, trying to make each other laugh first.

Their class had grown used to the pair joking around during class and surprisingly, they didn't seem to mind, some even found it cute, these are two teens who had never talked before winter break and now they were best friends, they would do basically anything for each other and always made the other smile, so instead of their classmates getting annoyed by their antics they would sometimes catch themselves watching in almost amazment on how these two kids could be so in love yet not know it.

As the two teens left the school building, saying goodbye to Ace and Marcus Echo got a notification on her phone from her email, she had read the first words of the subject and couldn't contain her thoughts, "Holy shit Noah" She spoke as they both sat down in the taller's car, she was staring at the top of her screen, where she had seen the notification briefly pop up only moments before. The notification was gone now yet she was still frozen, staring at where it had once been.

Noah had rushed to Echo's house, both of them jumping out of his car and rushing inside. "Grandad!" Echo called out as the two rushed up the stairs and to her room before rushing back downstairs once more, seeing her grandfather standing in the kitchen confused.

"I got an email from one of the schools" The words left Echo's mouth with ease, she couldn't believe it, she had actually gotten a notification which would have to mean something right?

As Echo opened her emails on her laptop that rested on the kitchen counter both her grandfather and Noah stood close to her, peeking over her shoulders slightly, trying to get a peak as to what the email said.

"I got in" The words were barely a whisper, you had to be listening for them to hear them and as they did leave her mouth the two others in the room filled with excitement as well, she had gotten into the college she really wanted to get into, she had done it.

"I got into Standford holy shit" Echo spoke once more, neither of the other two had known which college she had gotten into until she said those words, a look of adoration and pride took over Noah's facial expressions as a look of pride but also worry took over her grandfathers.

Her grandfather knew that you have to work extra hard at standford, he knew because his son had gone there, he also knew that the tiutition would be expensive, he knew she could end up in debt but most colleges you end up in debt if you go so why would this one be any different? It shouldn't be any different right? She had always wanted to go there after finding out her father had, she wanted to follow in his footsteps even if it was only for the school she went to, I mean she had already gone to his highschool so why couldn't she go to the college he went to? even if it was only for a year? The only reason her grandfather was heisatant about that was because he didn't want her to turn out like her father, and sure he knew her father hadn't done all the things they said he had and he knew that she wouldn't turn out like him but she was different, she hadn't had the best childhood because of everything that was happening with her parents but she didn't know all of it, she only knew parts and he knew that he woulnd't be able to deal with it if she got thrown in prison just like her father.

But he also knew that Standford only had a 4% acceptance rate and she was in that, she had made it and got accepted, he also knew she wouldn't be dumb about things, she wouldn't make the same mistakes her father did, whether that be the things he actually did, marrying someone like her mother that would treat her horribally and say that she had done more things than she had or that she'd leave her kids to grow up with an abusive family, but that was why she had moved to America in the first place, because her dad didn't want to leave her with that family plus that family didn't really want her so her grandfather and grandmother took her in and loved her more than some people who were previously in her life ever did.

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