True Colors Shining {2}

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"Soooo?" My cousin, Dameon, drawls out as he catches up next to me in the school parking lot

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"Soooo?" My cousin, Dameon, drawls out as he catches up next to me in the school parking lot. His boney hands are wrapped tight around the straps of his backpack as the breeze ruffles his almost white-blonde hair.

"So, what?" I snap. He and I don't usually get along on a good day, but two days without seeing Ollie and the piling guilt has me on edge.

Dameon's light brows pinch together as a frown crosses his dumb mug. "So have you seen Ollie? How's she doing? Is there sign of life?"

I cut him a stern glare at the last question as I suppress the thought of punching him. It hits a little too close to home and has my blood boiling. I don't even want to think about how close to death she was. "That's not funny."

Dameon rolls his sky-blue eyes. "I've been trying to call her for two days, I wanna know how she is."

"She was okay last time I saw her. She's really beat up." The thought of her in that cast and cuts and bruises on her face is forever burned into my mind, along with her adverted looks and how quiet she was while I was there.

"I need to get over and see her," Dameon's voice grows soft as a seriousness hangs heavy on every word. He suddenly slaps me in the gut while we walk toward my locker.

Don't kill him; it's illegal.

My jaw ticks as I glare at him while he holds the door open for me. I step into school, and the bustle of early morning hits me. The first day back after winter break has, my peers, talking about how they enjoyed their time off. Girls hug like they haven't seen one another in years, while others complain that it was way too short. I'm in the latter crowd. Before I knew it, the break was over, but this is the last stretch before school is finally over for good.

"You should take me along the next time you visit." Dameon pulls my attention back to him as I start to head to my locker. "We could be Zander and Dameon, the magical mirth makers, there to bring a smile to our mistress's face." Usually, I'd tell him to shut the fuck up and go bug someone else at this point, but letting his stupid plan play out might work in my favor this time.

Since the demon moved here, he and Ollie have been close. The last time I was there, I could tell Ollie was uncomfortable, and just not herself. Some of that could be the accident, but I'm sure a lot of it has to do with what happened on New Year. Dameon, there will be a bit of a buffer between the two of us, and hopefully, make her open up some instead of being the closed-off shell she was the other night.

I Can't Lose You ||NaNoWriMo 2022|| Book 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя