At least he had the moon.

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So here's a little short one. I may turn this into something later but I'm not sure.

Warnings: small abandonment. I wouldn't say it's that angsty though :D


Even when the last petal dropped.
Even when the last drop of water fell on the floor.
Even when he made sure it was fine,
He didn't do good enough.

He really tried. He swears! He thought he did good enough but watching his three old friends walk away from him told otherwise.

They left quickly, not daring to bat an eye or say anything.

Tommy had never felt so alone.

Sure, his life growing up sucked, but loosing your friends can be worst. Or at-least, that's what he thinks. He couldn't tell at this point.

So as his friends walk off, making sure to stand tall and proud, he weeps a tear. The moon stays around him.

It dances throughout the night, all around him. It goes to the side and side over time but it still stays in the general direction of him.

At least he had the moon. That's should be enough.



IM SORRY ITS SO SHORT. I was trying to write this quick.

Drink some water,



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