Are we too young for this world?

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if anyone counted up how many stories I have written about death, i think it may be too many /hj

Warnings: Death. (Didn't see that coming did you?)

Let's also pretend Tommy never got revived, yes?


The wind blew slightly from the east. The dried out grass held two gravestones on top of it, as well as two other boys.

The wind blew a leaf off a green tree, it swaying around in the sky almost like it was in a waltz before it landed softly next to one of the stone pieces with carvings in it.

The two boys looking at the stones sat quietly. Not sure what to say overall. And also they didn't need to say anything. It was like that, truly. When you were grieving you could sit next to a person and have the longest conversation of your life while also not saying a word.

They hadn't been close. Not as close as they'd been to the others, but they were still close. They just had grown apart.

But people will do crazy things to mourn together for old friends.

"Purpled, I'm tired." Tubbo mumbled sitting in-front of the stone that said 'RANBOO BELOVED.' He say crossed leg, a blank expression placed along his face.

Purpled, looking over to his friend from where he sat in-front of the stone that said 'TOMMYINNIT' and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Then go to sleep?"

Tubbo let out a hollow laugh, but it had no meaning behind it. "Don't you think we're too young for this?" He sighed, looking up to the sky and watching another loose leaf fall from the sky. It swaying like the other one, but falling a few feet away from it. Ikr they were torn apart.

Purpled kept quiet for a moment, before placing his hand on the stone in-front of him and letting out a sigh, "yeah. Maybe we are."


Quick little scrap for you <3

Hope you liked it and as always, drink some water,

Ace :-]


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