
305 19 9


Trying to not have a anxiety attack while there's a storm going on? HAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH that's me : D

Prompt: Ranboo's scared of thunderstorms.

warnings: thunderstorms, implied almost having a panic attack.


Thunder crackled through the whole smp, lighting came right before it.

The four minors decided to have a small sleep-over. They usually did, anyways. They were always seen together. Why? Because they were clingy. (They would never admit it, though.)

Ranboo awoke the the thunder and pounding rain on the windows.

It startled him, to say the least. He always hated thunderstorms and anything in the sorts. Loud noises, etc. He was a Enderman anyways so you could probably tie it down to that.

His breath started becoming shaky as he listened to the storm booming, as much as he tried not to listen to it. All his friends were sound asleep calmly.

But, (unfortunately), Ranboo's breathing may have been to loud, because he watched Tommy stir awake. Tommy rubbed his eyes as he sat up.

"You 'm 'kay?" Tommy slurred, looking towards Ranboo the best he could even though it was dark.

Ranboo only let out a small hum. Was the hum saying no or yes? He didn't even know the answer to that himself.

Tommy only let out a disapproving sound, slightly standing up and walking over to ranboo. Ranboo sat crossed legged, watching him curiously.

"Open 'ur arms idiot." Tommy said since he reached over to him.

Ranboo's eye brows were knit together, but he compiled, opening his arms.

Tommy climbed onto his lap, curling up as small as possible, and just falling asleep.

Tommy was pretty good at that, falling asleep fast.

Ranboo sat in shock, trying not to flinch at the loud noises as to not wake the sleeping boy in his lap.

He slowly ran his fingers through the blondes locks, smiling fondly.

He found himself falling asleep shortly after.


I am sooooo sorry if this sucks. I am currently panicking as I write this so- uhm- yeah!

THIS IS PLATONIC YOU IDIOTS(y'all are only idiots if you ship them. The rest of y'all are cool <3 )


Drink some water,



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