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Prompt: the wicked witch has came and made fun of Tommy. But.. I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Warnings: a Karen, cussing, rude people, smacking, I think that's all!


Tommy, Purpled, Tubbo, and Ranboo were out shopping. No, their parents didn't allow them... but that's a story for another time, ay?

Tommy decided he wanted to go into one more shop, and the others wanted to go to the food court. So, of course, they split off.

I just wanted to get new jewelry. Some cheap shit from a small place, nothing expensive. But I needed something really shiny. See, I was a raccoon hybrid. So I was drawn to anything shiny. I was just looking through the selections of jewelry they had, before I heard a lady clear her throat from behind me.

I turnt around, only to see a middle aged woman wearing WAY to much lipstick, staring at me.

"Can I help you, miss?"

"Yes actually. See, over there, there's a sign that says no animals allowed in the store." She said pointing to the front of the store.

"I'm aware. Why?" I knew why. I knew what she meant. I was a hybrid, yes, and this has happened to me once or twice before.

"Well. As you're a little-" She stared at me in disgust, "animal, you should get out of the store."

"Wrong, I'm a hybrid. I'm a human/raccoon, which are actually allowed in this store, much like every other store, so I'm okay to be in here."

"Well I don't feel comfortable with you being in here," she said, her smiling faltering.

"Then you can go wait outside." I said, turning back around to keep looking the jewelry.


I turned around once more, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Not true. We do much other stuff like-" I got cut off, by getting smacked by the lady.

I sucked in a breath as I brought my arms up to my face, to block her smacking me again.

But, it never came, when I lowered my arms all I saw was her on the ground, Purpled punching her, Tubbo kicking her, and Ranboo rooting them on.

"You good?" Ranboo asked from beside me.

"Yup." I just laughed back.


Short one today :]

Uhm- what do I write for these again???

Drink some water,



The Original Minors Of The Dream Smp.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora