Operation: Hookup Dad

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Peter Parker had a lot of Dads.

There was Professor Dad ( aka Smash Dad when he hulked out, Thunder Dad, Archer Dad, Colonel Dad(Rhodey), Panther Dad...even a Doctor Dad (no matter how many times Stephen said he wasn't taking in any strays). There was also Irondad, but since Tony was his actual father he didn't really count for the 'Dad' list.

Then there was Steve Rogers, also known as Captain Dad. Out of all his pseudo father figures, he took the role of parenting on the most seriously. He was warm, caring, nurturing, funny, and always looked out for the teen.

He was also completely head over heels in love with Irondad.

Peter knew his father reciprocated those feelings, but for some reason they were both too stubborn to admit it. He. was getting quite frustrated with all the pining going on between them. He just wanted his two favorite people to get together, was that so wrong?

After yet another day of them tiptoeing around the subject, he'd finally had enough. He was going to get these two on the same page if it killed him.

Peter decided it was time to call in some reinforcements.

The first person he contacted was Loki, also known as Mama(the mage had adopted the spiderling after a battle and none of them were brave enough to tell him any different).

The second person he talked to was Natasha, or as he called her, Aunty Nat(she had also adopted Peter,and they weren't brave enough to tell her otherwise either).

Peter decided to meet up with them at Natasha's apartment. Loki was usually there anyway since they'd started dating, so he wouldn't have to travel all over the place to find them.

Only Peter knew that they were together. He'd asked Aunty Nat why she didn't tell the others, and her exact words were "I'm sure they'll figure it out eventually, until then the ignorance is entertaining."


Sure enough, when Peter knocked on the door, Loki ripped it open and pulled the boy into a tight embrace.

"You sounded upset over the phone, is everything alright? Are you hurt? Do I need to stab someone?!"

"What? No! What reason would there be for you to stab anybody?"

"There's always a reason to stab someone."

"Loki, leave the маленький паук alone," Nat chided from the living room," Come on in, Peter."


"So are we all in agreement that we are done with the pining?"

They were sitting at Nat's kitchen table, discussing the details of what they dubbed "the CapTony conundrum."

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