Picture Perfect

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"I need your help."

Natasha looked up from her phone with a raised brow. Of all the people she expected to hear that phrase from, Steve Rogers was not one of them.

"What is it exactly that you need help with?"

"Christmas shopping."

"That's not that hard to do,Steve."

"No, you don't understand," Steve said with a tinge of panic in his voice," I need help Christmas shopping....for Tony."

Oh. That was a problem. Tony Stark was the most difficult person to buy gifts for. The man had enough money to get anything he wanted at any moment, not to mention how picky he could be.

No wonder Steve needed help.

"Alright, let's see what we can do, but you owe me a full spa day as payment."

"Yes ma'am."


They went to the mall after trying several boutique stores from New York's luxury shopping district. Steve still couldn't seem to find the perfect gift and Natasha was feeling a bit frustrated herself.

They ended up at the food court to grab lunch and regroup. Steve was so despondent that he barely touched his meal.

"Steve, it's going to be okay. I'm sure Tony will like whatever you buy him."

"Yeah but, I really wanted this present to be perfect. It's our first holiday together as a couple and I wanted to give him something that's as special as he is."

"Hmm, maybe we've been looking at this from the wrong angle," Nat said thoughtfully,"Instead of just buying a random item, why not make one? You're an artist, right? I'm sure he'd appreciate the sentiment of one of your paintings over a random trinket."

"That's not a bad idea, and I did see some really nice canvases in one of the stores here...question is what should I draw?"

"It should be a subject that is really important to him, something that will hold meaning for Tony and only Tony."

Steve racked his brain for something that would fit the criteria, then it hit him.....a memory from several months ago, when he'd visited the mansion in Malibu for the first time.

"I didn't know you could play the piano,Tony."

The genius looked up from the keys and gave Steve a sad smile.

"My mom taught me. Playing was one of her favorite things to do when she was home. Sometimes....I wish I could play one more song with her."

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