Under the Glow

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Living in New Ásgarð was different from the other places Bruce had been.

The people here weren't afraid of him. They praised the Hulk for saving their lives and admired the big guy's strength. They were appreciative of Bruce Banner as well. He was the go-to consult for training the remaining healers in Miðgarðian medicine and other sciences.It was truly the most accepted he'd ever felt.

Then of course, there was Thor.

Bruce had had complicated feelings towards the Góð for years. Hulk knew this, which was why he sent them off into that jet after Ultron. He was making sure his human side didn't try to hook up with Natasha.

The scientist was glad he did, because it took reuniting on that awful planet and then spending months aboard a refugee ship together for him to realize his feelings for Thor weren't complicated at all.

He was in love.


Bruce wanted to tell the other man how he felt, but it never seemed to be the right time, especially lately. There'd been a lot of changes in the Thunder Góð's life in a short amount of time, something a long-lived race like Ásgarðians had a hard time conforming to. Whereas he'd never had attachments to mourn, Thor lost his parents, his home, and half of his people. Even Loki was gone now, living with Doctor Strange in the Sanctum Santorum.

Thor said they'd only interacted once, but when the ship landed and Stephen was there, the first thing Loki did was walk up, smack him, then kiss the daylights out of him. That told Bruce that they'd probably known each other longer than Thor realized.

It also made him wonder if he should pull the same stunt on his Góð that Loki did the Doctor.

He was so lost in thought on the matter, that he failed to register when Valkryie sat next to him.

"You're going to end up turning into the Big Guy if you keep scrunching your face like that."

"Like what?"

"Like a pining idiot that's once again overthinking it."

Val took a swig of her bottle, enjoying the way the man spat and sputtered. If him liking Thor was supposed to be a big secret, then Bruce was failing miserably to keep it.

Speaking of which...

"Thor's depressed and we need you to cheer him up."


"You heard me, his majesty requires your presence. He's been in one of those moods again, and you are just about the only one he listens to when Lackey isn't around."

"I don't know if I'll have any effect, but I'll see what I can do," He said as he stood up and cleaned off his glasses," He in the usual spot?"

"Of course he is."

.                  **********

The usual spot was a small cliff facing the ocean. Thor said it had been the place where his father died and Hela destroyed his hammer. Bruce wasn't sure he'd enjoy being in the spot where his life fell apart, but the Góð seemed to find comfort there, and that's what was important.

As Bruce predicted, he was there sitting on a rock, looking out at the ocean. Veins of green crossed his face as Hulk became enraged at the sad look on Thor's.

"Easy Big Guy," Bruce whispered to the beast inside of him,"I'll figure out what's wrong with him."

Hulk growled some more, but eventually conceded back to the recesses of Bruce's mind.

With that settled, he walked over and sat down next to him. It took Thor a few minutes to notice he wasn't alone, but when he spotted the scientist his eye lit up.

"Banner! What brings you up here?"

"Just came to check on my favorite Góð of Thunder, Val mentioned you were kind of down in the dumps today."

"Ah...it's nothing serious,really, I was just feeling nostalgic. This is the time of year that Loki and I would be preparing for Ásgarð's Yule festivities."

"Yule is celebrated on Earth too," Bruce said as he patted Thor on the knee," Maybe Loki could help you plan something for New Ásgarð."

"Alas, my brother is expecting a child with the Wizard doctor and is too tired to travel this far."

"Loki's pregnant?! How does that work?"

"Frost Giant," Thor said with a shrug," they can be bearer or sire if they choose."

"Wow...that's uh....that's something. So these festivities you used to do, what was your favorite part?"

"Most of my people would say the feasts...but to be honest with you, I always loved when Loki and mother would perform spells to reflect light off of the bifröst and paint the sky with an array of colors. Sadly, I don't think there's anything on Miðgarð that could replicate it."

Bruce took his glasses off to clean them again while trying to think of a solution. Suddenly, he remembered something unique to the country they were in.

"Thor, I have an idea. Come with me."


The flight to Tromsø took less than five minutes traveling along Stormbreaker. Bruce was disappointed that they made it so soon, he was more than enjoying the feel of Thor's arms around his waist.

They landed in a snowy meadow not far from the city, just as the sun was starting to set.

"What are we doing here?"

"Just wait until it gets dark....you'll see."

When the last rays of sunlight disappeared, the sky went completely dark before exploding in a vast range of colors.

"What in the world...."

"This is the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights. It's no rainbow bridge, but still pretty fascinating."

"It's beautiful.."

"Yeah," Bruce said as he looked at Thor," it really is."

He grabbed him by the chin and turned his head to face him, causing the Góð to scrunch his brows in confusion.


"Call me Bruce," the smaller man whispered before crashing their lips together.

Thor was surprised at first, but quickly leaned in and started kissing back with enthusiasm. The scientist had a hint of green flash across his skin as the Hulk decided he was going to join in as well.

After awhile they had to break apart for air, but the tight grip of Thor's arms told Bruce that he wasn't going very far.

Not that he wanted to.

"I've been wanting to do that for ages."



"I...I had once hoped, that there could be something started between us," Thor stated nervously," but I thought that you were more interested in courting Lady Natasha....so I buried my feelings, thinking nothing would come of them. I'm so terribly glad to be wrong."

"So am I, cause if I've realized anything over the last few months it's that I am very much in love with you,Thor, and everyone else pales in comparison."

The Góð was practically beaming as he pressed their lips together once more. As they continued to meld their bodies together, Bruce could feel the Hulk chuckling as he settled on two thoughts:

About time Banner, and angry girl deserves an extra case of liquor.

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