The Magic's in the Memories

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Being married to a wizard was great.

Being married to two of them was even better.

Actually getting them to agree on a color scheme for the family Christmas tree.....not so much.

"I think it should be blue."

"Of course you'd say that, you arrogant sycophant. Personally, I think it should be green."

"You think EVERYTHING should be green!"

Tony watched his husbands argue back and forth about what theme to use with exasperated amusement. Every year they went back and forth about whose colors should go on pq

, something about family honor from Loki's part and a need to control everything on Stephen's. The last time they got into this fight, magic was hurled back and forth, and he ended up with two hamster spouses for over a week.

Best to interrupt things before they got that far.

"Guys I was thinking.. "

"No, absolutely not!" Stephen said with a shake of his finger, " we are not going with fire engine red to match your suits, Tony."

"Actually, what I was going to say, STEPHANIE, is that we let our kids decide."

Stephen grumbled at the nickname while Loki did his best not to snicker.

"I...suppose that's not a bad idea...Loki?"

"I have no opposition to the little ones having a say."

"Uh, don't you think little is a bit of a stretch?" Tony asked with a raised brow," Peter's going to be 16 pretty soon."

"They are both my babies, even if I did only give birth to one of them! Besides, you know full well that Æsir culture would still consider them toddlers."

He had a point there. They were constantly having to remind Thor that humans had different age patterns and that Peter did not need a constant protector. The Thunder Göð was even worse over their five-year old daughter Morgan, especially since being Loki's daughter made her heir to Ásgarð's throne.

"That is so not the point, Elsa, but nevermind, we'll ask them when they get home from school. Speaking of which...."

Tony didn't get a chance to finish as Stephen was suddenly knocked onto the ground as a young girl appeared on top of him.

"Mama! Papa! Daddy! Look what I can do!"

"Look what you can do indeed," Loki said as he picked Morgan up and twirled her around," my smart little enchantress."

Stephen picked himself up off the floor and popped his back with an audible sigh.

"Yeah, that's great honey, really, did mommy teach you that?"

"Nope! Uncle Wong did."


"Told you we should have paid him in tuna melts when we asked him to babysit," Tony smirked as he walked over to give their daughter a kiss on the head," peanut butter and jelly just doesn't cut it Stephie."

Stephen opened his mouth to retort, but was interrupted by a loud crackling sound.

"Sounds like Peter's home."

The crackling grew louder as a large portal opened up into the room, allowing their teenage son to step through.

"Hey Dad, Doctor Dad.....Mom!"

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