Heaven's So Far Away(When You're away from Me)

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Loki knew as soon as he stepped through the portal that this was the right TVA.

He'd been through hundreds at this point, chasing He Who Remain's variants across the multiverse. Most of them turned out to be harmless, but one particular version called Kang very nearly destroyed existence itself.

It had taken awhile, but he and Sylvie finally managed to take the tyrant down for good. After that, his only mission was to get to his time-organization.

Back to HIS Mobius.

"Why does everything look abandoned?"

"I don't know, but we're bound to run into someone if we keep looking."

They ran down dozens of abandoned corridors, but hadn't managed to find a living soul.

There were plenty of dead ones, however.

It was obvious that Kang's forces had ripped through the place. There were upturned desks, and ripped apart bookshelves everywhere....that wasn't even taking into account the numerous dead bodies littering the place. Loki was just thankful that none of them belonged to his lover.

They turned into one of the time theaters, and nearly had their heads taken off by a sword. Luckily, the person on the other end of the weapon recognized them and stopped herself mid-swing.

"Sylvie?! You guys are okay?!"

"Yes, B, we are, and thank goodness you are too."

Sylvie rushed over to B-15, who lifted her off the ground and twirled her around in a fierce embrace. Loki gave them a few minutes before asking the question that had plagued him the entire time.

"Where's Mobius?"

They pulled apart, and B had an uncomfortable look on her face.

"When the armies came through, we all banded together to fight them off. Then, their leader came through and nearly wiped out everyone here. Only Mobius was able to stand up to him, but when he had Kang down....the bastard said something that made him drop his weapon and just...walk away."

"What did he say to him?"

Again, she looked reluctant to answer, and Loki was starting to lose patience.


"He said you were dead! That he'd killed you and dumped the body into a random timestream!"

"Surely,he didn't believe that," Loki said with a horrified expression,"He couldn't have..."

"Not at first....but then they pulled out your sword and....."

He didn't need to know the rest. Dammit! If only he hadn't lost that weapon, Mobius wouldn't have believed those lies.

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