The Night Before Óðin-mas

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"And so, on the night before the Wild Hunt, The children of Ásgarð would leave their boots outside their doors,full of carrots, and while everyone was sleeping...Allfather Óðin would ride through the sky on his eight-legged horse Slépnir. They'd stop at each house that left offerings, and while the horse enjoyed his snack, Óðin would fill the shoes full of gifts and delicious treats."

Brénna listened with rapt attention as her father spun tales of Christmas lore from their homeland. Being born a year after Ragnarök, the only glimpses of Ásgarð she could get were from the stories her mother and father told her.

"Papa, what happened to the houses that didn't leave carrots?"

"They got a trick played on them courtesy of me."

Brénna turned to see her mother standing in the doorway, balancing a tray of hot chocolates. Thor quickly got up and took the tray out of Loki's hands, before gently guiding him to sit on the couch.

"'re not supposed to be carrying heavy things."

"Oh for Norn's sake Thor, I'm pregnant, not incapacitated."

The little girl giggled before climbing up onto the sofa and snuggling against Loki. Her mother was due to have her little brother in a few weeks, and as such Papa was going crazy trying to make him rest as much as possible.

Thor sat the tray on the coffee table,handed Brénna and Loki their mugs of cocoa, then sat down next to them, gently caressing his husband's swollen bump.

"I know you think I'm going overboard, but I just worry. I don't want you to go through a difficult labor like last time."

"It's alright, elskaður , I know you mean well."

"Mama," Brénna said between sips of her chocolate, "will Óðin and Sleipnir be visiting our house this year?"

"I'm afraid not, litla ást, they dine in the halls of Valhalla now. But don't worry, the Miðgarðians have a figure of their own that visits all of the children this evening, and that's what your bedtime story is about. Thor, grab me that book over there please?"

Thor got up and walked over to the bookshelves where it was already laying out. He came and sat back down, handing the book to Loki, who opened it up to read after everyone was huddled together.

Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro' the house,

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of sugar plums danc'd in their heads,

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