When she starts to feel her heartbeat steadying into a normal, rhythmic pace, Mina heaves out a huge breath and sits up to take the drink. A smile forms on her lips and she starts to chuckle, causing confusion to brew on his face. The girl takes his hand and urges him to sit down beside her which he does so without any words.

"I had fun," She earnestly says. Despite the drenched fringes sticking to her forehead, the droplets of sweat cascading down her temples or her sudden urge to hop into the shower, there was no denying how revitalizing it felt to have been stimulated like that. For once, it felt good to workout, especially with someone who earned the title, boyfriend. "I don't feel tired, you know! I feel super alive."

"...Really? You're not upset that I nagged about stuff?"

Upset? Well, it wasn't like he yelled at her or anything. In fact, he was quite generous— stern, but nevertheless understanding and generous when it came to teaching her. He taught her the basics of volleyball, what the proper stances were and such. Mina was worried that her help would turn out to be a hindrance instead, but Kageyama was patient with her. He never looked or sounded upset and instead, offered better methods that could be easier for her.

Everyone else says how mean he is on the court, whether it be his teammates or his opposing team but looking at him now, where was that malice that they were referring to?

"No," She shakes her head, taking a sip of the drink. "I should say sorry. I waste Tobio-kun's practice time. Big game is today too."

"It's not," He interjects quickly then soon realizing how hasty his response was, so he bites his lips from the embarrassment. "I mean, I don't think it's a waste. I got to warm-up a bit and... you also learned how to play a little."

"Yeah," The brunette smiles. "And I am not so scared of balls now. I think it was scary before because it moves fast and hurt a lot, but I think it is okay—maybe."

Having to help someone overcome their fears is always an accomplishment, especially for Kageyama when that someone is his other half. He knew how she would flinch when a stray ball would go her way during his practices and truthfully, it's quite amusing at times because they both knew that she just wasn't athletically inclined, hence why she has slow reactions and indecisive movements when in games. Though here she was now, slowly but surely getting the gist of it.

His eyes wander from her face down to her arms where her sleeves were rolled up and showcases the red blemishes on her forearm.

"I told you to just keep your sleeves on," Kageyama frowns and grumbles as he examines it. "Does it hurt bad?"

Mina looks down to see the damage. "Uh, it's okay. Not hurt so much."

"For now, yeah, but tomorrow you'll feel it," The raven haired male says. "It happens to everyone who starts out. Go ice it and just rest when you get home. It'll heal in a day or two."

It's silent, no response coming from the girl. Kageyama looks up and sees her already staring at him with a soft smile gracing her lips. She doesn't break the contact even when their eyes met and it makes him feel flustered to be under her gaze. He breaks the eye contact first and focuses on her forearms again before slowly speaking out.


"Tobio-kun is handsome, that is why," She states, unabashed. This only fuelled the fire and caused for his face to turn beet red. "I am serious? You know, many girls like you but because you always likeㅡ" Mina then copies his frown. "—like that, they get scared."

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