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"That doesn't even make any sense, what?" Dream wheezed as Sapnap groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Of course you wouldn't understand," He said.

"He's from fucking Florida, what did you expect?" I asked before plopping another piece of lettuce in my mouth.

"I would argue that Texas is far worse actually," Dream said and pointed at me and my brother using his knife.

"Hey! Watch where you wield that shit man," I said and leaned back from the knife. Laughter erupted around the table as I stared at the knife in horror.

We were having lunch and I was sitting between Dream and Alex, with Dream being on my right and Alex on my left. My brother was sitting on the opposite side of Dream, next to George, which left Bad and Skeppy who was sitting at the left end of the table, besides Alex and Sapnap. The empty chair between Bad and my brother was a constant reminder of how one of us was missing.

"Don't worry Y/n, I'll protect you," Alex said with a grin and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, slightly leaning me towards him. I laughed and he joined in.

"Let go so I can eat my food you moron," I scoffed but smiled as soon as I reached for my food.

"I still can't believe you are eating salad for the third time in a row," Dream said and looked down at my bowl of food with a face of disgust.

"Trust me, she always does that, soon you won't even be surprised anymore. She's like a psychopath," Sapnap rolled his eyes and I snorted before stuffing another forkful of salad in my mouth.

"Fuck off," I said but the words were muffled by my half-closed lips. I swallowed and tried again. "So what are we doing today?" I asked and looked around the table.

"Hanging out by the pool?" Dream said.

"Exploring," Sapnap opposed.

"Fucking dying," Alex joked with a shit-eating grin.

"Language," Bad didn't even seem phased as he corrected Alex's language, he just took another forkful of food and stuffed it into his mouth. Was he a robot or something? Like how did he react every time?

Then I gasped. "We could go to the mall and buy George better clothes," I said and gave him a toothy smile. He did not look amused.

"What's wrong with his clothes?" Dream frowned and attempted to look George up and down even though the table covered most of his outfit.

"Nothing. They're just... boring," I shrugged. I didn't want to point out that he essentially wore the same outfit every day and most of those days were t-shirts and sweatpants. Sometimes a hood too.

"You're boring," George replied mumbling. He put down his knife and fork to cross his arms, looking grumpy.

My face fell and I gave him a look of disbelief.

"That's your best comeback? Really?" I asked and he somehow looked even more offended than before. As he should, his insulting skills are at about three percent.

"Shut up," He said and a grin spread across my face.

"No," I responded airily and he rolled his eyes.

"Y/n, stop being so mean to George," Dream said and tried his best to look sympathetic for the man. He failed miserably as his lips kept twitching with a smile.

"No, don't stop. Put him in his place," My brother grinned and I grimaced.

"No, I don't think I will," I said. Dream grinned with satisfaction and Sapnap's face fell.

𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐘, k.jacobs²Where stories live. Discover now