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"I had really fun with you today. That was an awesome date," Karl says with a big, happy grin.

"Was it? I feel like it was pretty uneventful," I wrinkle up my nose bridge a bit. I was just shopping for candles and he was on FaceTime the whole time. Not the most exciting first date.

"The best dates are," He nods and I smile unwillingly. Then I remember something and my smile falters. "What is it? Why do you look so sad?" Karl wonders and I lightly chew on the inside of my lip.

I really want to ask him if he knows what is up with Quackity, but I have a feeling that talking about other guys right after our date isn't really optimal. "Nothing," I shake my head and force on the smile again.

"You were thinking about something, I could see it," Karl says and crosses his arms. I sigh.

"No, just some troubles with a friend, we can talk about it some other time," I say and he doesn't look too convinced but he still nods.

"Okay. I'll hold you to that," He grins again and I smile. Then we just stare at each other until I burst out laughing and he gives in to the laughter as well.


"Nick, what do you want? I'm going out," I call upstairs and stand at the bottom of the stairs as I scream at my brother.

"Buy me whatever!" He yells back and I snort. Then I realize something and I smirk. "Okay then, I'll get you a greek salad!" I tease him and I hear him grunt from his room above me.

"Kidding!" I chirp and walk towards the door. "I'll get us some thai, be right back!" I call out as I put my shoes on.

"Okay, but hurry so the food doesn't get cold," He yells back at me and I stop in my tracks to let my mouth fall open in protest.

"You don't get to decide anything about how I'm gonna do this because you're not even coming with me," I frown and he stays silent, which I take as he agrees that I'm the one to call the shots. I don't know what he's doing, but apparently it's more important than food.

I shrug it off and push out front door open, deciding to take mom's car since she got a ride with dad to work this morning. What am I doing with my life? Going out on weekdays to buy food for my brother and I? It may sound really chill and like everyone's dream life, but it really isn't. It gets boring fast and all the days start mixing together, they are just all the same, no different from one another.

Maybe I should re-decorate my room? I turn the keys and the engine starts up while I place my hands on the steering wheel and put the car in reverse. Maybe I want my bed tucked in the other corner of my room? And move the desk to stand under the window?

I shake my head. Or maybe not. Sounds like way too much work for one person. But maybe I could force or trick Sapnap to help me. I pre-order the thai while still in the car and it's done by the time I arrive, so I just pay and take the bags before heading back home. It's all pretty much just a waste of gas, but I think it's worth it. Thai food is just too good, almost as good as salads.

I play Conan Gray's song Greek God, humming along to the lyrics. I park the car in the exact same spot it was it when I took it and kill the engine. By now Sapnap probably knows that I am home, but following traditions, I'll still have to yell at him from the bottom floor for him to come.

I push the front door open, not without struggles since I'm carrying the bags of food, and start yelling the second the door has closed behind me. "SAPNAP! FOOD'S HERE!"

"Coming!" He calls back from upstairs and the sound of his voice is muffled by the door. I can't be bothered to lock the front door, so I just throw my shoes off and walk into the kitchen, dumping the bags on the kitchen isle.

Sapnap comes in just as I'm done with placing up the food on the counter. He walks slowly and an unsure expression covers his whole face. I put my hands to my hips. "What?"

"Have you noticed anything weird with Quackity? He's been really off the last couple of days. Karl noticed it too," He furrows his eyebrows, seeming concerned. 'Such a good friend.'

I don't know if I can tell him it's my fault? But is it though? "Yeah, remember the day I told you about me and Karl? I called Alex afterwards and talked to him for nothing more than a minute before he hung up on me. He seemed kind of sad or something," I say truthfully. The line between my brothers eyebrows deepen.

"Really?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah. He was really down," I tell him. He hums and I give him an awkward smile.

"Anyways. We can deal with that later. Food?" I ask and look down at the thai.

"Could never say no to that," My brother says and grabs one of the boxes with food. I smile and grab my own box, also grabbing a can of coke out of the fridge. Alex is still in the back of my head though, I just can't stop thinking about what my brother said. Both he and Karl's noticed something wrong, which means Alex was lying when he said everything's fine. It isn't, even my brother knows that.

So why won't he tell me? I thought I was one of his friends. Even more, he is my best friend even if I'm not his. I sigh and sit down at the table with my brother.

"This is weird, just the two of us eating in silence," I wrinkle my nose up.

"Yeah," My brother snorts with laughter and I chuckle.

"Wanna move to the couch? We could watch a video or a movie," I tilt my head to the side while smiling. He nods and we immediately stand up and grab our stuff to change locations. From one place to another place only 7 feet away from the previous one. Safe to say it wasn't a long walk.

We fight over what to watch for a while until we decide to watch one of Tommy's mod videos, deciding that a movie would be too long and Nick doesn't want to watch his close friends play with me for some reason. Tommy's a funny guy, so I can't really complain other than that he can be really loud. Like, really really loud.

𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐘, k.jacobs²Where stories live. Discover now