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"Where is this bitch?" I mutter while we wait for Alex at the luggage pickup just as I recognize a certain beanie in the crowd of people approaching us. You can barely see him because he's about as tall as everyone else, not shorter, not taller. Just the average height, which makes it hard to find him.

"Alex!" I start waving my arm frantically in the air above my head. How did I spot him before Dream did?

He spots us and starts walking towards where we're standing. I grin widely and go to hug him with the others following behind. Alex gently drops his carry-on on the ground and opens his arms for me to walk into. I hug him for about two seconds before letting go, feeling the others stares in my neck.

"Welcome to the party," I grin and he laughs. Then the others take turns greeting him in their own ways. With an emphasis on their own. I have no idea what the honk Karl just did was. It was some weird kind of tackle/hug/fistfight/piggyback ride. Someone needs to tell me what I just witnessed or I might just lose it.

"I would love to stay and chat but, actually no, I hate it here I wouldn't love to stay, Quackity gets your bags," Dream frowns. I assume he was going to politely ask Alex to find his bags but then fucked it up. How lovely.

"Okay Mr. Ordering people around," Alex jokes and walks over to look for his luggage. I sigh and walk over to one of the metal chairs that are drilled stuck to the wall and floor. Like anyone would ever want to steal them, they just make your butt ache if you sit on them for anything longer than fifteen minutes.

Dream sits down beside me with a loud sigh. I glance at him and he stares straight ahead. "Quackity looked happy to see you. You guys friends?" He asks and my slightly furrowed eyebrows relax back to their natural position and I nod slowly.

"Yeah, I'd consider Alex one of my best friends," I tell him and he hums. "Is that so?" I knit my eyebrows together again and look over at him. "It is. Why are you being so sketchy about it?" I demand of him and he shrugs, slowly turning his head towards me,

"I'm not. Just curious," He says, but I can sense a form of suspicion from him. Why is he lying to me? What is it with people and hiding things from me lately? It is almost so I punch Dream in the face, but I take a deep breath and remind myself that it isn't his fault I am so irritated. Not completely. I'm mostly angry with myself. I hate that I let things bother me so much.

"Hey, he found his stuff, let's go," My brother says and I nod before standing up, extending my hand for Dream to take.

He looks at it for a moment before taking it and pulling himself up, standing tall before me. He smiles and lets go of my hand before we all walk over to where Alex is standing, near the exit. He looks impatient and it's ironic considering how long we waited for him.

I walk up to Karl and ignore my brother's words as I grab his hand. He squeezes it back and we walk towards the exit, the others in front of us. "Do you want to go candle shopping tomorrow?" Karl asks with a smile and I know he's thinking about our last date.

"Want to do it over in real life this time?" I arch one of my eyebrows at him and he nods. "Of course, I want to. But I doubt I'll find another candle I like," I warn him and he chuckles. Alex glances back at us with an unreadable expression and I note for myself to ask him later before I realize that it's probably weird and unnecessary. Maybe he just wanted to make sure we are keeping up.

We reach, what I assume is, Dream's car because nobody talked about renting a car when we planned out the whole meetup. And holy mother of gods, there are going to be some people here soon. Not too many though. Skeppy, Bad, and George are the only ones who are not here yet, so it won't be too crowded.

We decided to rent an Air BnB since Dream's house is too small and a lot of us really didn't want to invite ourselves into his home just because we decided to meet up in Florida. Meeting up in Texas would have honestly made more sense because that would be one less person who needed to take a plane, but whatever.

"Dubs on the passengers' seat!" Sapnap yells the second we are in a ten feet radius from the car. I sigh and shake my head, he does this every time. Karl let's go of my hand to cross his arms.

"Aw, I wanted to sit there," Karl mopes and I laugh while rolling my eyes at him. Sapnap frowns. "Don't you wanna sit with your girlfriend," He says girlfriend in the most mocking way possible and I sigh.

"I do. But I also wanna sit in the front," Karl says honestly and I walk over to Alex.

"Then I'll sit with Quackity over here. He's funnier than you idiots anyway," I say and Alex snorts with laughter, as does Dream.

Alex looks embarrassed and has an unsure smile plastered on his face, but then he laughs. He grabs my wrist and drags me around the car and to the backseat door on the right. "Karl I'm stealing your girlfriend, you won't get her back!" Alex taunts him and shoves me in the car.

I climb in, not very gracefully while laughing and struggling to breathe. "Noooo, please don't," I hear Karl say from outside the car and I watch him through the window. Dream's wheezing laugh is like weird background music and my brother turns his head to watch the chaos from his place in the passenger seat.

"You guys are so weird," Sapnap says and looks mildly disgusted. I scoff at him and Alex just laughs harder. "Alright, we're leaving idiots," Dream says, trying his hardest not to laugh. Poor guy. I chuckle and Karl gives me a confused look. I shake my head, inclining that I'll tell him later and he shrugs as he climbs in on my other side. I hate the middle seat.

𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐘, k.jacobs²Where stories live. Discover now