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"Wake up idiot. Your friend is here." I shoot up to a sitting position, looking around my room with wide eyes.

"Wha-? What's happening?" I mumble and rub my eyes. How long have I been asleep for? Oh my god, Vera. Have I really slept for more than twenty minutes? It feels like three seconds and I am still tired as hell.

"I just told you. Your friend is here." Sapnap dumb-declares me. That's probably not a real word, but I just made it up and it will work.

"Hi." Vera says abruptly from beside me. I look towards her voice and see her sitting on the floor next to my bed, probably too scared to wake me up.

"I'm going back to my room, Punz is waiting for me." Sapnap scoffs and walks away. Vera waits until he is gone to start talking.

"What kind of shit name is Punz?" She wrinkles her nose-bridge up. I chuckle.

"It's not his real name. His real name is Luke, that's just his gaming name." I smile down at her. "Now, where's the sushi?"

She squints her eyes at me. "Okay, first we'll eat, then you'll tell me everything. And I mean everything. I'm getting the feeling that there's a lot of stuff that I don't know." She is right, as always. How did I obtain such a smart friend?

I smile. "Fair. Now let's eat."


"Now-" Vera says as she throws the garbage from our dinner away. "Tell me everything. And I mean everything." She stares at me with intention. Oh god. I sigh.

"Where do I start? For you to understand any of this, I'll have to tell you a lot." I look at her variously. I am scared that it will be too much and she won't be able to grasp anything of what I am telling her.

"I think I can handle it. Hit me with it." She has that sparkle in her eyes, that gleam of curiosity that always got me in trouble as a kid.

"Okay then. So my brother is a streamer, and so are all of his friends. They don't live here, they live all over the globe, scattered in different places. Mostly the US and the UK though. Long story short, I was on one of his streams, met some people, made some new friends, visited one of said friends in real life, became even closer friends and now he's my boyfriend. Oh, and my brother doesn't know." I smile at her. I talked fast, really fast, because of how nervous I am to tell her this. But it does not sound too bad now that I say it out loud. 

"Okay..." Vera looks a bit overwhelmed but she seems like she understood it at least. "So what's the problem? Your brother?" She knits her eyebrows together.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. He's not my biggest problem right now. Okay, so he has a really old friend, they go way back, and I had talked to said friend a couple of times before the stream when I took over and met my boyfriend and he was always teasing me and was really annoying overall but we were kind of friends and now we've become closer." I say and can't look her in the eyes. "Point is, he posted something on twitter, I replied and now people think I'm his girlfriend. Tadaaa." I do awkward jazz hands. "Oh, and my boyfriend and said guy are also friends. Everyone are friends here, and it's really starting to get to me." I laugh nervously.

"Okay, can I see the tweet?" She asks and cautiously holds her hand out for me to put my phone in.

"Uhm, I don't know." I say, unsure of wether I should show her or not. "I don't know if he wants people to know." I rub my arm.

"Bitch. He responded to your comment, well at least I assume he did since people think you're together now, I don't think it's much of a secret." She rolls her eyes.

I sigh in defeat. "Okay, here you go." I open twitter and then click on his post for her to see. "That's me." I point at my comment.

Vera gives out a low whistle. She spends about another ten seconds reading our conversation and some of the comments, who have multiplied by a thousand since I last saw it. "You're friends with Dream? The Minecraft youtuber?" She looks up at me.

I shift uncomfortably. "Yeah..." I pinch my lips. Vera knows who he is. And that me and my brother are friends with her. It is not a problem though, right? I mean, both me and Nick are open with our faces and who we are. It should not be a problem at least.

"That's cool. But yeah, no, I don't think your boyfriend will exactly enjoy these comments. He might get a bit jelly." Vera purses her lips and furrows her eyebrows in a concerned grimace. "But as long as you reassure him that you're just friends it shouldn't be too bad. I mean, he does follow Dream on Twitter right? He knows you know he can see your comment. It'll probably be fine." She says calmly and hand me my phone back. I am actually a lot calmer than before she came.

"Yeah. I think it will" Then my phone buzzes with a notification. From Twitter. I unlock it to see who it is and realize it's Quackity.

Quackity @quackity • 8s
replying to @y/un and @Dream
don't worry Y/n, you don't need his love. have mine
2 comments 0 retweets 57 likes

Oh, what the hell. I look up at Vera with sad eyes. "What?" She asks and grabs the phone, reading his tweet. "Oh. Another one of your friends?" She asks and hands me the phone back. I nod.

"A really close friend too. I go to either him or you when I can't talk to Karl" I tell her. She looks at me and I can see the wheels turning as she figures stuff out.

"Karl is your boyfriend, correct?" She asks and I nod. Maybe it isn't as complicated and hard to understand as I thought. Maybe these are just usual love problems, only a bit more public than they'd normally be. "Then maybe he knows how close you and... uh..." She looks at me for an answer.

"Alex" I fill in.

"Alex" She nods. "are. They're friends too I'm assuming?" Vera raises one of her eyebrows. I nod my head again. Today has been a lot of nodding. "Okay, listen here girl, I'll tell you what's gonna happen next. You're going to ignore all this shit, act normal and if your boyfriend asks, tell him that they're you're friends. If he really likes you, he'll understand, okay love?" She says and grabs your hands while staring deep into your eyes. How could I not notice how obviously green they are the first time you met?

I sigh. "Okay. Okay, I'll do that" I smile at her and she grins back at me.

"Great. Now where do you keep your snacks? I want more to eat"

𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐘, k.jacobs²Where stories live. Discover now