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"Hi, hey Y/n," He says cheerfully, although sounding a bit surprised. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Me and Karl are dating, right? So I told my brother and you have no idea what this mother fucker says," I laugh and drag my free hand over my face. "Oh god, it's unbelievable," I mutter for myself.

"Wait, what? You and Karl are... you're dating?" He doesn't sound happy anymore, only surprised.

"Yeah, whatever," I wave him off. "Anyway, Sapnap, that son of a bitch, tells both me and Karl, separately, that we should have asked him for permission first before become girlfriend and boyfriend. And the second part is that Karl doesn't even seem to care and I got so pissed at the whole situation that I just hung up on him and I don't know what to do. Any thoughts?" I rant.

"I- you're together with Karl? And I didn't know?" Quackity still sounds surprised, but there's something else to his voice now too, but I don't register it as I'm too caught up in my own stuff.

"Yeah, what should I do? Alex please help me," I beg him and really hope he can tell me what to do, tell me anything. Just reassure me, comfort me.

"I- I can't. I'm sorry Y/n, I have to go," He says calmly and I blink rapidly, surprised and completely taken aback.

"What? Alex, what do you- I- Alex?" I ask but he has already hung up. I bring my phone away and to my ear repeatedly, staring at the black screen. Why did he hang up on me? And why did he sound so sad? Have something happened to him? I bite my bottom lip. What if there's actually something wrong and I just ignored him because I was too caught up in my own non-existing problems? Oh, I feel so bad now, I must be such a horrible friend, not even noticing when my friends feel bad.

This is probably one of the reasons I didn't have any friends prior to meeting Karl. No, I can't think like that or I will just get sadder than I already am. I walk over to my desk and put on some eyebag cream and mascara on my lashes even though it's already 4 pm and I have no plans of leaving the house today. Doing my makeup is just kind of a time passer that doesn't include staring at a screen for hours on end (even if that's way more enjoyable).

I sigh and put down the mascara, staring accusingly at myself in the mirror. Why did I hang up on Karl? Why did I fuck up with Alex? And why am I so fucking scared to reach out to anyone? I can't give myself the answers to those questions, because there are no valid answers. Except for maybe the last one. The last one is because I just fucked up with Alex and I'm scared if I call anyone else, I'll fuck that relationship up too. So I don't do anything. I leave it.

A day goes by. Then another. Then a third. I've only talked to Karl during these days, staying locked up in my room the majority of the time. He's with me when I go to sleep, with me when I wake up. He only leaves during the day, when I have classes and when he has stuff to do. Either it is because he takes pity on me, which he shouldn't because I've brought this mess onto myself and blown it completely out of proportion, yet I'm too scared to face it, or he just wants to spend quality time with me as my boyfriend. Like any good boyfriend does, and Karl is just the sweetest person ever.

I draw a deep breath and decide that whatever is going on between me and my brother, it needs to end. I can't fucking tiptoe around my own house like a mouse scared to get discovered by the cat just because I fought with Sapnap. I get up from my bed and start marching towards his bedroom, chanting in my head; 'I'm no pussy, I'm no pussy, I'm no pussy... holy fuck I am a massive pussy'. I stop right outside his door, right hand on the handle.

I don't know if I have the energy for a possible screaming competition with Sapnap right now. I already have a headache as it is, maybe I should just come back when it's over? Yeah, I can just-

"Y/n? It that you outside my door?" Sapnap asks from the other side of the door. Well that's that then, he already knows that I am here so I might as well go through with it.

I push the door open, looking at him with furrows eyebrows. "How did you know I was there?" I ask him, because I genuinely want to know how the honk he knew I was outside of his room right now.

"I heard your footsteps stop right outside my door doofus, I'm not deaf," He rolls his eyes and my mouth forms an 'o'. "Yeah. Anyway, what do you want?" He asks me and I straighten my back.

"Right," I bring my fist to my mouth and clear my throat. "I wanted to talk to you about the shit you said about me having to ask you to get in a relationship," I say unwavering.

He grunts. "Yeah, I should have seen that one coming," He sighs and stands up to walk over to me on his doorstep. We stand face-to-face as he starts talking. "I know that was wrong, I've talked with Dream and a couple of other people and they told me I was being a dick and why. After they told me their view of it as well as yours I agreed with them. I was a dick and I'm sorry," He says and looks me in the eyes the whole time, looking genuinely sorry.

I didn't think it would be this easy. I stand there, a bit dumbfounded as he engulfs me in a hug. I hug back and rest my face in the crane of his neck. "Apology accepted," I whisper.

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