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Two weeks later

"Sapnap! Can you get my bags?" I yell at him from the trunk where I am currently putting in his bags.

"Go get them yourself," He scoffs and is halfway in the passengers seat already. I give him a death stare and he sigh and exits the car again. "I'm just kindling," He says with a lopsided smile as he holds his hands over his head. "Of course I'll get your bags."

"I saw that," I say as I round the vehicle. "Saw what?" Sapnap says innocently. I stare at him through furrowed eyebrows. "The eye roll," I say.

He scoffs. "Well, than you're delusional, I never eye rolled, never in my entire life," He crosses his arms and I facepalm.

"Whatever, just get my bags and load them in the trunk while I start up the car," I sigh and round the hood of the car to get to the drivers seat.

"Will do ma'am," Sapnap salutes and marches back towards the house and I laugh at his disappearing figure as I climb in the car. I turn the keys and the engine starts up with a low vibrating sound. The passenger door flies open and Sapnap hops in, huffing as he fall down on the seat. He slams the door shut beside him and I feel pained because of the damage that could do to the car.

"Alright, let's get this road trip
going," I chirped and put the car in reverse before stepping on the gas.

"What?" My brother exclaimed, looking absolutely terrified as he twisted his whole body to stare at me who is looking in the rear view mirror.

I chuckle. "I'm joking, chill. Let's go to the airport idiot," I say while he grunts and crosses his arms, probably salty because I managed to fool him so easily. He has seen the plane tickets, what did he think we were gonna do with those? I shake my head and start going down our street, towards the airport. Thankfully it's only half an hour away from our house.


"Y/nnnn," Sapnap whines and clings into my arm. I sigh and put my book down in my lap.

"What is it Sapnap?" I ask him calmly, which is an achievement in itself, he's been annoying me from the second we got on this gods forsaken plane.

"I'm hungry," He complains and I resist the urge to smack his arm and tell him to man up, stop bothering me while I'm reading.

But I don't. I remain calm and collected as I gently pry his hands off my arm. "Well, the next time a flight attendant passes us with a tray, call for her, okay? Just get whatever you want after that, I'll pay," I say and his whole face lights up, like when he was five and got a skateboard. Then he fell off it, started bleeding and never used it again. Good times.

"Thank you so much beloved sister," Sapnap says and I snort. "You better be thankful or Ill let you pay for yourself," I say and realize something. I slowly turn my head towards my brother with a betrayed expression. "Wait a minute... You're rich you idiot, you can pay for yourself. Why are you using me?" I gasp. This idiot literally makes tons of money on his streaming career, he doesn't even need me to pay for him.

"I- uhh-" He looks around nervously. "I forgot?" He tries and shrugs with his palms towards the sky. Well, ceiling of the plane.

"Bro. No. Pay for yourself," I snort and turn away, picking up my book again. I can hear Sapnap sigh beside me but I pretend he isn't there and get lost in the world inside my book once more.

𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐘, k.jacobs²Where stories live. Discover now