"Where Are You, Iruma-Kun"(Side Story) Chapter 3: "E-Class Plan"

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Nagisa: These are all the jobs Iruma went to before?! They're so many!

Sugino: Like seriously, with all these jobs, I'm surprised he was only caught once by the school.

Rinka: Yeah, but I'm more surprised that Kayano and Karma filled in the rest of the other work places he recently did. When did he tell you about all of this?

Kayano: I just caught him doing work at night one day... told me to keep quiet about them back when the whole "me having tentacles" was still a hidden thing. Saw him do other work too but still kept my mouth shut.

Karma: And I just happened to be in the neighborhood at the time he was running away from what I think was a gangster group. Then I saw him again at night frequently where he changed to another job at a 24 hour cafe. I did want to spoil my VIP card there to keep his job a secret.

Isogai: He would have probably helped me back at my own Cafe Incident.

Chiba: Let's just focus on the task at hand. A few of these are out of our city so let's just focus on the ones that are in our areas.

Itona: A few of those job locations are near my neighborhood, I can check there at the west.

Teraseka: The rest of gang will go to the west with you, Itona, I'm already aware of few of the locations around this area too. And one of those workshops is a acquaintance to Yoshida Family.

Yoshida: Oddy enough yes.

Isogai: Okay then. Nagisa, Karma, Kayano, Sugino, Okuda and Kanzaki will look north with Chiba and Hayami since we're all most familiar with these locations. Terasaka's group will go to the least amount of job locations at the west, and for extra aid, Nakamura, Hara and Kimura will assist them. The rest of the boys can just go to the south and the rest of the girls will go to the east with Kataoka.

Karma: By the time all of us cover all the locations we'll meet back here in week or less. Seems like a reasonable amount of time.

Ritsu: And I'll keep tabs on everyone's progress.

Isogai: Okay we have ourselves a game plan, let's move out!

Everyone: Yeah!

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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