Extra: "Opera's Pictures Of Kalego"

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(Note: This would have been Chapter 10.5 instead but I chose cacti over pictures so-. Opera's pictures are based of Kalego's Side Story Canon Plot and I might plan to show one more extra in the future about the photos but we'll see how that canon shows in another time. For now, this is the one about how Opera met Kalego and Balam.)

Opera: How me and Kalego first met?

Iruma: Yeah! I was curious how you knew each other at school.

Opera: Hmmm... come to my room and I'll show you something when I'm finished cleaning here.

Iruma: Oh, okay!

[In Opera's Room as Opera goes under his bed to get a box that says Babylus Time]

Iruma: What's that?

Opera: This is all the memories of when I was a student at Babylus. Old uniforms, a few momentos and a photo album. Of course I don't have much for my first year, and if I was the same person as I was in first year, I wouldn't have done this at all. But meeting Kalego and Shichiro took a surprise by me and I mellowed quite a bit from it.

Iruma: (*sees the a picture of a Young Balam and a Young Kalego with Opera holding them in the middle*) Is that...?

Opera: Yup, that's them.

Iruma: Professor Kalego looks kinda like me in my Wicked Phase a bit.

Opera: Now that I think about it, he kinda does. But he is more into the whole mature but quick tempered guy.

Iruma: And Professor Balam looks so small and cute.

Opera: He was a well behaved kid, still is actually. And very strong despite his size.

Iruma: But how did you meet?

Opera: Oh me and Kalego got into a fight due to a misunderstanding, I beat him up and then I made them my minions.

Iruma: ...Somehow everything makes sense.

Opera: (*gives Iruma a solo pic of Young Kalego*) Here Master Iruma, you can have this one.

Iruma: A-Are you sure?

Opera: Well you were interested about Kalego a lot of the time. I figure I give something about your favorite. And besides I have plenty extra in the album.

Iruma: H-He's not my favorite! I-I just think of him as a father is all...

Opera: A father?

Iruma: Y-Yeah. And Professor Kalego was okay with it too. B-But please keep that fact lowkey...

Opera: I promise.


[Literally a few minutes after Iruma went to bed, Opera came to Sullivan's room.]

Opera: Kalego accepted his role as a Dad.

Sullivan: Really?

Opera: Master Iruma told me himself.

Sullivan: I HAVE A SON NOW?! YESSSSS!!!!

To Be Continued...

Iruma, The Assassin (On Haitus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora