"The Assassin's Hard Decision & Realization"

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Kalego: Iruma took his human friends back yet?

Soi: No, they seem to be too attached right now to let go of him. They were all apparently looking for him for a long time and Balam wants to use this chance to meet Iruma's former classmates for study but I had to tell him no.

Kalego: I see. I managed to keep the others calm for the meantime and all we can do is wait until Lord Sullivan brings them home.

Soi: Professor Kalego, at this rate someone else will find out, then Iruma will-.

Kalego: I know, but these are Iruma's old classmates, it's best if we don't involve ourselves further.


Iruma: (*still very squished in a group hug*) You guys gotta let me go at some point.

Opera: May I be of assistance?

Iruma: Please.

[Opera separated everyone from the hug]

Iruma: Thanks Opera.

Opera: Of course.

Iruma: Now can you explain how you all got here?

Hazama: Your parents have a authentic demon summoning spellbook, and I had my fair share of demon language before.

Nagisa: We're here to bring you back home, Iruma.

Iruma: Guys... I'm sorry but I can't go back with you all. This world is my home now. I'm happier here.

Chiba: But Iruma...

Iruma: Being sold to be a demon's grandson was the best thing that ever happened to me. And yes I like all of you too, Mr Karasuma, Professor Bitch and Koro-Sensei, we spent so much time together in that previous year and I enjoyed our times together, but right now at this moment, you guys have to leave.

Rinka: We just found you, and now you want us to leave!

Karma: It's because we're humans right? You don't want us hurt?

Iruma: It's because if you are caught by demon border control, they'll wipe your memories of being here along with every demon you met. Because I'm half demon, that rule applies and...

Isogai: We'll end up forgetting you too.

Iruma: And I don't want that! I wish I could have somehow told my situation to you but no demon is even allowed to leave the Netherworld.

Hazama: Speaking of that. We aren't the only ones here, they just sorta went ahead of us earlier. So we'll need to find them too.

Iruma: What?! Who?!

Karma: Mr Karasuma and Professor Bitch. Given your growth spout the time gap they may have been here for a while.

Iruma: Wait how long was I gone in the human world?

Karma: At least 1 month.

Iruma: But it's a year right now! When did they disappear?!

Nagisa: Two weeks ago.

Opera: That means they were here for half a year, they could be dead by now.

Iruma: We need to find them and fast! Gather as much help as possible, Opera get the perfume to cover their human scent.


Kirio: My oh my, look what we have here~?

Karasuma: Who are you?

Kirio: I'm Kirio Ami, and you two are humans right~?

Irina: Ew gross, wipe that drool off your face it's disgusting!

Kirio: I can't help it, humans are a delicacy after all~! And this isn't the first time I seen a human, interestingly enough~.

Karasuma: (Is he talking about-?!)

Kirio: Are you familiar with Iruma Suzuki~?

To Be Continued...

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