"The Assassin's Aftermath Of The Live Concert"

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Iruma: Now I know how Nagisa felt when he is force to crossdress by Karma and Nakamura... But at least the concert worked out well.

[Iruma gets dragged by Kerori to a private music room]

Iruma: Ku-! I mean, Kerori! What is-?

Kerori: I need a favor...please.

Iruma: O-Okay? But what is it exactly?

Kerori: This is just as hard on me since you already saved my show... C-Can you be my main partner for me and Devimuse?"

Iruma: Huh? W-Wait! You want me to be Irumi professionally?! B-But I have no intentions of being a Demdol, Kerori!

Kerori: Please! It won't be everyday, just when the situation calls for it. You won't have to take the same classes as me or training... you just have to show up to a few concerts, commercial and photoshoots... not frequently maybe like every other week a-and you won't even have to do interviews!

Iruma: But Kerori, why me specifically?

Kerori: Because your the only one who knows my identity in this school and yet protected that secret even to your closest classmates. And besides you cute charms went so smoothly like a professional. I know you don't like the thought of being noticed a lot but my goal is to be the best Demdol in Netherworld History, and I believe with you by my side I can make it come true too.

[Mini flashback of Irina teaching the class about seduction with her language arts class]

Iruma: (Right my seduction training with Professor Bitch...)

Iruma: Kerori...

Kerori: Please Iruma, I'm begging you... help me.

Iruma: ...We have to convince my grandfather. He also has to agree not to expose my Demdol Identity to anyone once he finds out. And if I am to work with you, it is only either after school or weekends, I won't work during classes. And remember every other week you said. If we can keep those conditions, then I'll be your partner.

Kerori: Oh thank you! Thank you Iruma!

Iruma: (I couldn't say no anyway...)

[Timeskip to Sullivan & Kalego the very next day]

Kalego: This better be important.

Sullivan: I'll just get straight to the point, my grandson decided to help your Demdol student by becoming a secret Demdol himself.

Kalego: EXCUSE ME?!

Sullivan: Well personally I support his decision of being secret to the entire school, despite how much I want to brag about it, but you deserve to know at least, as his teacher. And also...

Kalego: Oh god, I got a bad feeling...

Sullivan: I recommended Iruma to learn piano from you!

Kalego: For the love of Delkira, Lord Sullivan! You can't just-!

Sullivan: What? I remember how amazing you played the piano during the music festival. You'll be fine, and Iruma already knows a few of the basics. Besides Iruma needs at least one skilled form of instrumental talent to be entering such a profession. He'll be asking at some point of the day.

Kalego: Wait-.

[Hears knocking at the door]

Iruma: Grandpa, can I come in?

Sullivan: Oh speaking of which. Come in Iruma!

[Iruma walks in]

Iruma: Have you seen-. Oh, Professor, there you are. Ummm... I have a question if that's okay.

Kalego: ...Proceed.

Iruma: I-I was wondering... if you can teach me the piano? I know it's out of the blue and I don't usually ask for things but-.

Kalego: Sure.

Iruma: R-Really?

Kalego: Remember what I said at the Awards Ceremony for the Battler Party, "Rely on your teachers." At least in some way, you are taking those words to heart. We'll take about the schedules for that later.

Iruma: T-Thank you Professor! Oh! One more thing. The real reason I came in.

Kalego: The real reason?

Iruma: There's apparently a manhole at the back school area and Clara got stuck. I can't do it, and Alice is too big to get her out... I was gonna ask if you know anyone who could help...

Kalego: (Right his wings...)

Kalego: (*sighs*) I'll go get some of the staff to help get her out, show me where that gremlin is and we'll try to fish her out.

Iruma: Okay!

[Kalego walking with Iruma, as he looks to Iruma a few times before sighing]

Kalego: Iruma.

Iruma: Y-Yes.

Kalego: (God dammit, why am I trying to make small talk! What am I suppose to even say to him?)

Kalego: How exactly did she fell in the hole that she couldn't fly out?

Kalego: (That's a reasonable question at least.)

Iruma: O-Oh she was doing one of her rolling attacks out of excitement and she sorta fell off the wrong side and fell into a position that damaged her wings a bit to fly.

Kalego: The gremlin needs to be more careful.

Iruma: Hehehe...

Kalego: You as well, Iruma. The record of the fight on the first day of school, the Execution Cannonball and the Battler Party has lead me to the conclusion that you really have no self preservation. We need to work on that.

Iruma: Of course sir...

[Kalego sighs and gives Iruma a summoning sticker]

Kalego: Here.

Iruma: Summoning stickers?

Kalego: ...Bring these with you in case of emergencies, that way I can help you when you need it.

Iruma: Y-Yes sir!

Kalego: You are the student and I am the teacher, when it all comes down to it, I'd give my life to protect my students.

[Iruma remembering Koro-Sensei's battle with Reaper 2.0 as well as Koro-Sensei's death and begins to cry but Kalego notices]

Kalego: (The kid's crying?! What the hell did I do wrong now?! Shit, the Chairdemon is gonna kill me!)

Iruma: (*smiles*) S-Sorry, I just remembered something and I just... this wasn't your fault. Thank you Professor.

Kalego: ...Alright, no more tears, moron. You're a demon of Babylus, so stand tall. Otherwise your grandfather will have my head.

Iruma: Yes sir.

To Be Continued...

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