"The Assassin's Teachers And The Promise"

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[Opera hears knocking on the front doors early in the morning, and was about to go open it, but Kalego opens the door with full force]

Kalego: You have a lot of explaining to do-!

[Kalego realizes Bachinko is there with Lord Sullivan]

Kalego: Umm...

Bachinko: Yo.

Opera: What brings you here at such a early morning, Kalego?

Kalego: I-I just want to speak to the Principal privately about his grandson during the festival-.

Bachinko: Well then, I should be involved too, I am his tutor.

Kalego: No! I mean, no it's a personal private issue!

Sullivan: (Kalego is acting off? A personal private issue about my beloved Iruma?)

[Lord Sullivan looks to Kalego and realizes why he's here]

Principal: Kalego, it's okay. You can speak it open here, and I'll just wipe everyone's memory to whoever you wish to not know. But I believe I know what you're going to say, so go on.

Kalego: Are you serious?!

Principal: Very.

Kalego: ...No, forget it! I'll ask in your office!

[Kalego walks off]

Kalego: (I am Iruma's teacher, no matter what he is, I'm still responsible to protect him and his education. And protect him I must, I can't risk it. )

[Opera holds his shoulder]

Opera: Kalego.

Kalego: (Shit! Can't risk it. Can't risk it. Can't risk it!)

Kalego: My apologies, I'll pay the damage to the door.

[Was about to leave but Opera didn't let go of Kalego]

Sullivan: Opera, let him go. Kalego, it's okay. Everyone in this room already knows Iruma's true origins, even Balam.

[Opera let's go of Kalego who turns around to look at Sullivan in shocked concern]

Kalego: Sh-Shichiro knows?! He didn't do anything to Iruma after founding out, did he?! Nothing overboard!?

Opera: According to Master Iruma, he passed out and they became good friends afterwards. Other than note writing, he has done nothing else.

[Kalego sighs in relief]

Bachinko: And I just found out 3 minutes ago.

Kalego: Tell me then, why you keep a human as your grandson?

Sullivan: Because his parents sold him to me and Iruma was such a cute kid, I wanted to have him all to myself and away from his garbage parents.

Kalego and Bachinko: Iruma's parents did WHAT?!

Sullivan: Does any of the other Babylus Teachers know?

Kalego: No. And I did delete all the footage of Iruma's moments of Trauma and Confession of his origins, so your welcome.

Sullivan: I figured that's how you would find out. But what I said to you before was with 100% truth. The one about whatever happened to me and Opera.

Kalego: ...Right.

Sullivan: But if you have doubts, I can erase your memories-.

Kalego: No. The more people who can protect your bought out grandson the better.

Sullivan: (*looks to Bachinko*) That goes for you and Balam too. I want you two to be his adoptive uncle and aunt should anything happen. The one thing I won't let happen is to have Iruma live alone here in the Netherworld or to be sent back. Iruma himself wanted this, so I won't let him down. All of you promise this. Balam has already agreed to this but I want your support too.

Kalego & Bachinko: Yes.

[Iruma walks in]

Iruma: Good morning! Opera what's for br-? PROFESSOR KALEGO & MASTER?!

Sullivan (*whispers*) Will talk more later.


[Timeskip to after announcing the Music Festival to the Misfit Class, and then meeting with Balam in his office]

Balam: Kalego?

Kalego: Shichiro, I know about Iruma.

Balam: A-About what?

[Kalego sighs, locks the door and puts a sound barrier around the office]

Kalego: That he's human. I know he's human, and so does Iruma's tutor, Barbatos Bachinko.

Balam: W-When? When did this happen?

Kalego: I found out yesterday night seconds before you came in, and confirmed it this morning to the Chairdemon.

Balam: Your not gonna report him to Demon Border Control, are you?

Kalego: Though he deserves it, I won't. Iruma made it clear to me on video that he has some issues with his parents so I won't take away his life here. Although...

Balam: Although?

Kalego: He mentioned having other teachers-.

Balam: Was one of them called Koro-Sensei?

Kalego: That's one of them.

[Balam shows the Graduation Album Iruma lend him last time and flips to a page with a picture of Koro-Sensei]

Balam: Koro-Sensei is the round yellow tentacles creature and he was his teacher for his third year in middle school back on Earth in his class called the Assassination Classroom.

Kalego: Oh his former class was called the Assassin- WHAT?!

To Be Continued...

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