"The Assassin's Secret Revealed"

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Balam: T-This kid doesn't have any wings!!! I can't feel his wing roots from his back!!!

Robin: A-Are you sure?!

Buer: Iruma, show us your back!

Iruma: (O-Oh no. They're gonna find out I'm human! Think Iruma! I have to think of something! Anything!)

[Kalego barges in]

Kalego: Silence!

[Everyone stops before they got to open his back]

Marbas: Kalego?

Kalego: Whatever this is, leave the kid alone, can't you see he's uncomfortable. Shichiro, let him go.

[Balam let's Iruma go]

Kalego: Iruma, you should head back to class. Your classmates are looking for you.

Iruma: Y-Yes sir!

[Iruma runs off]

Iruma: (I-I'm saved!)

[Kalego closes the door and locks it]

Kalego: I saw Shichiro run over here and overheard everything. No one in this room is allowed to speak about Iruma's wings.

Buer: You knew?

Kalego: More like I figured it out myself. The Chairdemon specifically told me not to tell anyone. The less people know the better. Although, this situation was unavoidable.

Robin: But this doesn't make sense... Why wouldn't he tell us about it right away?

Kalego: Something about social security.

Marbas: Wait. For how long has he lived without wings?

Kalego: Since he was born.

[Everyone except Kalego gasps in shock]

Kalego: Let's all promise to keep this to ourselves, I'll inform the Chairdemon later. Iruma himself doesn't even know I know or that I told you, and it's best to keep it that way. Is that understood?

Everyone except Kalego: Yes sir!

Kalego: Good.

[Kalego unlocks the door and leaves]

Balam: ...


[Timeskip to After School]

Balam: Iruma, I wanted to apologize about earlier. Would you mind coming in to my office for a bit for some Hell Gray Tea?

Iruma: S-Sure.

[Both go to Balan's office]

Balam: Sorry that my workspace is a mess, but please make yourself comfortable. This is the least I can do.

Iruma: Are all this... research material? About imaginary creatures?

Balam: W-Well I am pretty passionate about the topic, especially about humans.

Iruma: Professor Balam? What would you do if you were to meet a human?

Balam: Well if I were to meet one, I'd be excited to research them and learn about them. There are particular creatures after all. Fragile and soft. If I could even touch a actual human, that would be a dream.

Iruma: (Calming, honest and kind. His presence is soothing, despite his appearance. Almost like...like I can...)

Iruma: Balam-Sensei... I'm human.

Iruma: (Wait-. F*CK! No! Did I actually say that openly?! AHHHHH!!!)

Balam: Are you serious?! Repeat what you said!

Iruma: (Quick, play dumb!)

Iruma: I don't know what you're talking about.

Balam: Iruma, don't lie to me, I can tell! Tell me the truth!

(Iruma: I really messed up... Like completely messed up. This is why I'm terrible at doing those undercover lessons Professor Bitch talks about... Charm is fine, charming I can handle. It's stuff like this that gets me more killed than a actual fight!)

Iruma: Yes... I'm human.

Iruma: (Welp, guess I die here. This is the moment I get eaten. Forgive me Koro-Sensei, but at least I lived to choose what I wanted in the end. Thank you, Grandpa... Opera... Azz... Clara... everyone... I'm sorry I didn't live to see my graduation.)

Balam: ...

[Balam falls out of his chair and passes out]


To Be Continued...

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