"The Assassin Who Could Be A Teacher"

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Kalego: A tour of the Teacher's Dorms?

Iruma: Y-Yes! I saw a pamphlet about the dorms and I got sorta curious. Grandpa and Opera gave me the okay for it but...

Kalego: You wanted my okay too, right? Hmm... I suppose it wouldn't hurt. We'll both go see Professor Dali and then we'll plan a day to start the tour.

Iruma: Thank you Dad-.

Kalego: (*covers Iruma's mouth*) Not in public! Not until the blood adoption at least.

Iruma: (*nodding his head while mouth is still covered*)


Dali. How do you like the Teacher's Dorms Iruma?

Iruma: It's been great, thank you so much Professor Dali!

Dali: Say Iruma can I ask you something, if that's okay.

Iruma: Sure thing.

Dali: Do you plan to become a Teacher when you grow up?

Iruma: Huh?

Dali: You asked to tour the Teacher's Dorms so that means you have some interest in teaching.

Iruma: Well it was that and-.

Dali: And?

Iruma: It was Professor Kalego... I wanted to learn a little more of what his job is like is all. I mean, I know he doesn't live in the Teacher's Dorms, but everyone here is still a teacher and all teachers have their own way of teaching so-.

[Iruma remembers Koro-Sensei]

Iruma: (*smiles*) So I still have a wonderful learning experience here. With you, Professor Kalego and all the teachers.

Dali: (*surprised then pats Iruma's head*) That's one way to look at it.

Kalego: ...


Kalego: (*sees Iruma asleep*) Idiot, sleeping in the cafeteria like this.

[Kalego covers Iruma in his jacket and picks him up to see Dali]

Kalego: Professor Dali, is there a spare room we could use for the night, we'll just sleep in the dorms for tonight. It's far too late in the night already to try and carry him home.

Dali: You aren't going to wake Iruma up?

Kalego: No, he needs rest. So I'll call the Chairdemon and inform him about it the situation.

Dali: You know, Iruma would make a good teacher here at Babylus. I thought for sure he'd just stick with being the next Chairdemon but here he is.

Kalego: He would, I won't deny that. But he still needs to keep his self-sacrificing in check.

Dali: True. But he has you to guide him.

Kalego: (*smiles*) Of course.

Dali: (*surprised*) You know, you've changed a lot. I never seen you express this much kindness before, and when you did it before it barely shows. In fact, you've been expressing yourself more like this since... since ... Huh.

Kalego: What?

Dali: Kalego, I don't mean to pry but what did you see in those cameras from the Harvest Festival.

Kalego: Excuse me?

Dali: Sorry I know it's not my place to question, but the personal cameras for sure should have captured every students actions. There was no videos shown for Iruma when he vanished and you did the report on him so-.

Kalego: No. I don't know what happened with Iruma. Those videos never showed it.

Dali: ...I see. Well anyway, I'll go find a free room and come back.

[Dali leaves]

Kalego: (Perspective as always, Professor Dali.)

Dali: (*looking down as he's still walking*) (Kalego, I never heard you lie before since the time you had a Wicked Fever during your newbie years... What exactly are you hiding about Iruma?)

To Be Continued...

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