9: Regal as fuck

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The sky seemed dimmer than usual, cold winds blew throughout the kingdom. Everyone was quieter than normal, and everyone knew something was off. Yet it still surprised the Kingdom when they saw their king, the dark bags under his eyes, the sickly pale tint to his skin and the sad look in his icy blue eyes.

As he stepped up to the podium, the crowds quieted as they took in his apprentice. The arena around the podium was deathly quiet, everyone seemed to be waiting with baited breath for the king to speak, "Greetings to all you, my friends, my people..." King Philza began his voice lacking his usual energy, the king seemed tired. Worn out even.

"Today, the people of our grand Kingdom, the Sleepy Kingdom gather here before me for a reason. Multiple, actually." Philza said his voice ringing out before the almost completely silent crowd.

"Today, you are here to hear me out. To hear the story I have to tell, to mourn as we do. And to find out the next course of action for the Kingdom to take, regarding the royal family and our rule" Philza spoke his quiet voice amplified somehow.

"I am here to disclose some deeply upsetting news, not only for myself and ym family, but for the entire kingdom. And I am here to explain why is occurred, and how I am to blame for some of it, I do not expect you all to forgive me. For, I do not forgive myself for the misjustice, that I myself have committed against my own family!" Philza said.

Philza coughed slightly before continuing with his grand speech, everyone who stood there in the massive crowd gathered before the royal podium was hanging on his every word, all of them having a curious but wary look in they eyes, "This news is devastating, i am sure. Yet, it Brough me and my family absolute devastation. You see... a few days prior to this speech, my youngest child, Thomas Minecraft jumped from one of the castles many walls"

The people of the kingdom began to whispered and talk, their eyes wide with shock and sadness, King Philza waited a few seconds before speaking once more.

"It was by my own failing that Thomas died, it was by my failing as a good father. As an inspiration for him, as a safe person for him to talk too. I was blinded by duty, my duty to sculpt both of my elder children into leaders, miniature me's. And if I am unable to father my own child, my own blood well enough to stop him from jumping to his demise, then how I am supposed to run the entire kingdom? To protect your children when I could not do the same for mine?" Philzas voice was the only sound now, "Thus, by my failings. I have made a decision that bring me great sadness"

"I am choosing, because I feel myself unfit to rule from now on, to abdicate the throne of the Sleepy Kingdom. I tried may hardest to rule and be a father, yet I failed. I can only hope for a bright future for all of us, now my eldest shall speak.."

The crowds where once more completely silent, every single person holding their breath in anticipation as they watched Philza step back and let the eldest princes step up to the podium, hand in hand.

Princes Wilbur and Technoblade stood together on the podium, staring out at the people.

They scanned the crowds of people who stood and sat there waiting for them to talk waiting for them to tell them that everything was going to be ok, that one of them would take the throne. "It is not well known, among the people of the Sleepy Kingdom that a few days prior, on the day of my brothers death, that was planning to announce my refusal of the throne" Technoblade's deep monotone voice rang out.

The crowds gasped at his words, yet he kept talking, "I felt that I was unfit to succeed him when the time came, and now the time has come. I felt myself more suited to becoming a grand general, I cannot speak for my twin-brother but, I am sure he feels the same about his musical prowess"

Technoblade paused for a second and made emotion towards Wilbur, who shuffled fowards towards the podium and started to speak, "I did feel the same way as, Techno then. My father, Technoblade and I had all decided that our brother would have to take on the burden of being the heir to the throne, all without his input or consent. We did not even think of his feelings, his emotions, or how the sudden pressure could effect such a young mind. We where simply selfish"

"All three of us have been guilty of ignoring our Toms for years now, we almost fully shunned the poor boy. I cannot exactly explain why this toxic dynamic was put into place, of it was made. But, the only reason that I can think of is that the loss of my mother was unknowingly placed on Toms, after she died after birth"

"And for those actions, the words that seemed careless, the barely concealed annoyance with everything my brother did, when all he did was be a child, when all he did was want a loving family.. for those things I can never be redeemed... Techno?" Wilbur said his voice breaking at the end, tears forming in his big brown doe-like eyes.

Technoblade squeezed his twins hand reassuringly before speaking once more to the people, "I failed as a brother, no matter how hard it is for me to admit. Even to myself, all of us failed him. Yet, the last words he spoke me where ones of kindness, ones of forgiveness and love. He gave us love we never deserved, and we lost him"

Technoblade paused for a second, some people later swore that they could see his eyes watering through the mask, "All he did was out of love, he was kind, compassionate and more loving than we ever where, he even made me this mask... and it has been decided for our Theseus... that Wilbur and I will rule together, to somehow repent our errors by protecting this kingdom. By making sure that nothing like what happened to our brother, can ever happen again under our rule"

"I will not failed like I failed my own brother, my little Theseus. I vow this on my life!" Technoblade thundered.

And with those powerful words, their father stepped closer to the podium, "Do you, the people the Sleepy Kingdom, accept these two scallywags as your new kings?"

The entire crowd fell silent until a young boy with dark brown hair stepped forwards, he was donning a green shirt and called out in his high-pitched voice, "I do!" Then the man next to him, his eyes hidden by sunglasses stepped fowards and called out,"I do!"

Soon the entire crowd was screaming their approval for the two young kings.

Philza nodded his head and lifted his hands to silence the crowds, they fell silent as he did so, he turned his head to his two remaining sons, "Kneel before your people, Crown Princes Technoblade and Wilbur!" Philza said his voice regaining some of his past strength.

The two now crown princes knelt before the eyes of their entire kingdom, their heads slightly bowed. "Do both of you, Technoblade and Wilbur swear to rule the kingdom fairly and with nothing but justice? And vow to protect the defenceless and fight for your Kingdom until your last breath? And to never repeat the mistakes of your ancestors, myself included?"

"We accept these vows" The twins said both in sync.

And with those words, Philza gently lifted the old crown from his golden hair and pressed a small button in the middle and with a small pop the old crown broke into two neat sections, that could fit together again.

Philza placed each half of the old crown on each of their brows, "Rise, Kings Wilbur and Technoblade, rise rules of the Sleepy Kingdom! RISE!" Philza called his voice loud.

And with that the two Kings rose before their people, a certain regal air now around them.

Wilbur's big brown eyes looked out at his people and he softly smiled, his hand still intertwined  with his twins, and Technoblade turned away he whispered something his younger brother, "Well that was regal as fuck..."

-------THE END-------

[A/N 'And with that both of those bad bitches rose with swagger that was regal as fuck', is what I wanted to write for that, vote Owu?]

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