2: Numb

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Tommy was staring up at the dark sky, his back agasint the hard stone of one of the castles many high walls. His eyes raked across the sky, locking in on every star that he could spot.His usually stormy grey eyes, began to shine once more. Soon, he began to slowly close them, he relaxed more when he listened to the soft sound of rustling leaves and the faint voices off in the distance. He did no shiver when a gust of cold wind washed over his body, it was almost comforting to him.

The coldness made him feel numb, the cold made him feel numb to everything around him. The cold breeze helped him forget about how shit his life was now, yet it also helped him remember about his older memories.

When his life was happy...

Tommys lips now displayed a small gentle smile as he recalled his brothers soft voice, the sweet tone of it as whenever Wilbur sung, his voice was echo throughout the castle.

"Never fear my darling, whatever comes next, it will be alright. And I will love you, forever and always..." Tommys voice was soft and tender as he sung his brothers lyrics.

And then, Tommy began to slowly drift off to sleep.


Tommy was already fast asleep on one of the castles many grand walls, when the guards where finally able to find him.

Tommy was woken to an unfamiliar guard looming over him, "Huh?" Tommy mumbled softly his voice kind of scratchy from disuse.

The guard crouched down to his level as Tommy sat up in confusion, "Your majesty, we have finally found you! The king has requested your presence in the dinner hall this morning, for breakfast!" The guards voice was soft and gentle, and his tone was quite chipper. Tommy confusedly rubbed his eyes with his palms, his mind was sorta fuzzy, he was still half asleep. "What's going on... uh... sorry, I don't know your name..."

"Oh, my name is BadBoyHalo, but you can call me Bad if you wish, Majesty" The guard said sounding a little bewildered.

"Ok, Bad, uh why does the king need me in the dinner hall for breakfast this morning?" Tommy said now more awake.

Bad shrugged slightly before speaking, his tone still gentle,"I don't really know, majesty. The King just ordered the guards to search the castle for you, after he requested your presence this morning. If I may ask, why did the King need to request you too attend? Would you not already be attending?" The guard -Bad- said a look of confusion on his handsome face.

Tomy. quickly looked away, his face emotionless, "No Bad, I would not usually be attending" He said his tone bitter and his words curt. "Oh my, Majesty, I must apologise deeply! If I offended you, I am sorry for my ignorance, you see I am new here my Prince!" Bad said apologising his words coming quickly.

"It did not offend me Bad, its nothing. Most people in the castle have already worked out that I have a shitty family" Tommy said his voice still emotionless.

"LANGUAGE!" Bad reprimanded quickly, but just as fast he slapped a hand over his mouth, his white iris's filled with what seemed to be shock and... fear? Tommy turned his head face the guard, his emotionless face broke into a tiny smile as he let loose a giggle.

Bads figure quickly relaxed at this, his eyes filled with relief and gratitude, "Your Majesty, I do not mean to be seen as annoying by this, but the King requested your presence immidietly, around twenty minutes ago, sir"

Tommy let loose a rough sigh as he stood up, he quickly stretched and yawned a little before turning to face Bad, "Bad, can you take me to the dinner hall? I like you and want you there"

Bad nodded quickly and smiled, "Of course, Majesty. It would be my pleasure escort you there, though we must be fast, sir. The King does not like the key waiting!"

And with those words, the two unlikely friends strode as quickly as they could towards the dinner hall.

(A/N Shorter chapter, big ones coming soon Owu!)

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