4: Forever and Always

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(Warning: Suicidle thoughts and an attempt)

Tommy now stood near the edge of one of the Sleepy Castle's many looming walls, the very same walls the towered over the nearby sea, the salty wind blowing through his untruly mop of untamed golden locks. And Tommys stormy grey eyes where staring down at the sparkling almost clear water, the almost aqua liquid went on for miles and miles below him.

The great sea seemed everlastingly peaceful to him, he just watched as the water slowly rose and fell agasint the thousands of eroded boulder that lined the shores, the very same boulders that the castle itself was built upon. Maybe, Maybe if he jumped down towards the waters, the great sea would share its peace with him.

If he jumped, it would bring his entire family peace too, they would finally have silence.

Tommy was way to loud..

All he did was annoying, he was irritating..

He was utterly redundant to everyone and everything..

Tommy drew in a shaky breath as tears pricked at his eyes, he slowly closed them and took a tiny step fowards, he was nearing the edge slowly. He was and never would be good enough for his family, no matter what he did. None of them deserved someone like Tommy in their lives.

The truth was that no one did, well Tommy thought so.

Worthless, such a fickle word..

To be worthless was to hold no value in any way, and in his own mind. Tommy held no value whatsoever.

He flinched slightly and paused for a secondas he heard the familiar voices urging him on,


'Go quicker, Tommy!'



And then there where the voices that begged, that where screaming for him to stop, to rethink this,





And then, Tommy began to sing softly, "Never fear my darling, whatever comes next..."

With Technoblade:

Technoblade felt that something was off with his younger brother the second he left the dinner hall, an urgent feeling bloomed in his chest almost immediately and chat started want him of the danger that they believed his brother to be in,





Technoblade quickly adjusted his golden crown as it was angled oddly on his pink hair and speed walked to the nearest window, he peered through the clear glass and what he saw made his heart stop for a second, it made his fists clench into a tight balls, it made his blood red eyes widen in shock and horror at the scene laid out before him. It made his mouth hang agape for a few seconds before he managed to snap out of his dumbfounded stupor.

What Prince Technoblade saw through the window was Tommy, his younger brother, and he was standing on one of the highest walls of the castle, he was standing near the edge, and it looked like Tommy was going to jump..

While Technoblade rushed up the many stairwells and ramps that lead to the wall thar Tommy stood on, Tommy voice began to grow louder, he was singing...

" it will be alright. And I will love you...." 

Technoblade was beging to panic even more now, he was running at a seemingly inhuman speed as he praticly flew up the last set of stairs that lead to the walls.

As the great warrior, the protector of the Sleepy Kingdom reached to the top of the stairs and raced towards his brother, sweat beads freely dripping down his forehead and onto his mask, Tommy finished his song.

"forever and always..." Tommy sang the last line of the song, his voice mellow and quiet now.

And with those last words, the youngest royal of the Sleepy Kingdom jumped from the wall.

And his eldest brother, the great knight, the emotionless defender of the kingdom, let out a wail of pure agony at the sight..

[A/N wowza a sad chapter ik, I'm not crying! YOU ARE! Vote, Owu?]

-_Forever and Always_- SBI ROYAL AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz