6: Oh Toms..

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Philza rushed uo the many stairs that led to the walls, he could hear Wilbur some where behind him. His dark green cloak trailing behind the middle aged King as he reached the top, his icy blue eyes searching the walls for his eldest child. He found Technoblade kneeling near the edge, his body rocking with what seemed to be sobs. He was fixed on the rocks down below them.

"Tech?" Philza said softly, using his sons old pet name as he kneeled down beside him, his gaze fixed on his son, not on where he seemed to be fixed on below, "What's wrong, Tech?"

Technoblade turned his head to face his father, beneath his mask his eyes narrowed slightly as he saw the look off pure concern that was etched onto Philzas face, it was weird for his father to display such a strong emotion, other than joy. Technoblade sighed softly and closed his eyes for a few seconds before he began to do the unthinkable, Technoblade lifted his scarred hands to his face, to his mask.

And slowly, the masked Price lifted the very mask that had hidden his worst scars for years, that marks that haunted his dreams, he lifted it from his face. Philzas gasped slightly as he saw the old scars that covered his sons face, particularly the area around his eyes that the mask hid, he had forgotten the horror of them.

As Philza watched his son gently take of his mask, he was in shock by his actions. Technoblade had never publicly taken his mask of before, well after he received it five years ago.

"Tech, what's wrong with you?" Philzas whispered cupping his sons face in his hands, his eyes widening as he took his eldest Childs apprence, Technoblade's puffy eyes, the many tear marks that ran down his cheeks and his expression. The expression that Technoblade wore was not one of emotionlessness, or anger. It was one of hopelessness, that was the worst part about the scene that Philza saw thus far.

Philzas brow furrowed and he began to speak again, more demanding this time, "Tech, where did that little shit g-"

King Philza was interrupted by a loud scream that came from his left, the king whipped his head around to see that the guard that had brought Thomas to the dinner hall was standing there, a scream coming from under his hood.

"Why are you screaming, guard?" Philzas said his voice hardening, what was the thing that made his eldest son break down and some guard scream?

"uh... Majesty,... look down at the rocks..." The guard said his voice was consumed by sadness and grief..

King Philza huffed slightly and turned his icy gaze down to the rocks that resided below them, his breathing paused a for a second when he spotted the body of his youngest child, Philza simply frowned and his eyes watered slightly, he turned to the guard a unplaceable emotion visible in his eyes, "is this real?" He muttered.

"It is real, majesty..." The guard whimpered as he turned his head to face the king, the guards shoulders were shaking. Though his face was hidden by the hood.

Philza turned his body back to face Technoblade and placed a hand on the teens right shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze, "Tech, everything going to be ok? Just breathe in with me, mate. Breathe in.... breath out.... in..... and out..." Philza said softly helping his son recover from the state he was in.

And that was when Wilbur walked out onto the wall, his brown eyes scanning the scene before resembling ones of a deer caught in headlights, "Oh Toms..." the boy whispered softly, tears prickling at his eyes...

Philza had not yet noticed Wilburs presence and was still completely focused on Technoblade, "Heya mate, you with us? Do ya wanna go get Thomas for us, or do you want me to do that?" Philza asked softly, his voice gentle and calm, after a few seconds of silence his son gave him a curt nod and gently placed his mask back over his eyes, Technoblade stood up stiffly and pushed past Wilbur on his way down the stairs.

On his way to fetch his own brothers, his Theseus's dead corpse..

[A/N DAM this is getting sad, when I get upset I hide it with humour so this is why in my authors notes my writing sounds so light hearted, also double update today! If you enjoyed pls comment, I wanna know what y'all are thinking bout it so far 😎]

-_Forever and Always_- SBI ROYAL AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt