7: Clouded Even

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Technoblade's mind felt almost foggy, clouded even. It was like he was in some sort of dream... no, it would be some sort of nightmare..

His lips set in a line as the salty wind ruffled his hair and filled his nostrils, shoulders clenched as he walked down the small beach that resided below the Sleepy Castle, his shoes leaving foot print makes in the warm sand.

Soon he reached the first of the rocks..

Technoblade felt himself draw in a deep and shaky breathe, he rubbed his hands together before he began to climb the very boulders that the castle was built on. The very rocks that his brother died on. The sharp rocks scraped and sometimes dug into his skin, leaving small cuts and scrapes all over his body. The rocks tore up his prized cape as he climbed higher and higher, yet he almost welcomed the pain. It helped distract him form the situation that he was in.

It took about ten minutes of solid climbing for him to reach the ledge that his brother's corpse lay on.

Technoblade felt himself let out a harsh sob as he spotted his brothers strawberry blonde hair, the hair that was now stained with his own blood. Technoblade's tear just kept falling as he surveyed Tommy's broken boy.

Technoblade quickly crouched down next to the smaller boys body, the blood that covered his chest and neck was still fresh. Tommy's eyes where still wide open, yet something seemed to be completely different in them. They now carried a childish gleam to them, the brightness that they had all those years ago. He seemed relaxed, the stormy grey that usually clouded his bright blue eyes was now completely gone.

Technoblade's blood red eyes quickly scanned over the pale boys arms, he definitely did not sobbed a little as he saw how they where littered in gruesome scars.

Technoblade gasped slightly as the small almost happy smile that was displayed on the boys already cold lips, and what it meant.

Tommy was at peace.

Technoblade began to sing, the song that he had sung alone in the castle all those years ago....

[A/N, Shorter chapter, longer ones coming soon]

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