I steel my spine, forcing the fear away the best I can, blanketing it in annoyance instead.

"You're going to stand there the entire time I use the bathroom?" I ask him as my bladder feels like it may burst if I don't pee in the next five seconds.

"I'm not leaving you alone even while using the bathroom, I don't trust you." He glances at the shiny watch on his wrist. "Now come on, I have places to be and I despise being late."

He doesn't trust me in a bathroom with no window and nothing in sight that could wielded as a weapon, I guess this trust thing will take a while if he's that paranoid. Fine, if this is what he wants then I'm not going to act like it's a big deal.

I sit on the toilet, his t-shirt shielding my body from his eyes and I meet his gaze the entire time I empty my bladder. I refuse to let him know how humiliating this feels, I won't let him have the satisfaction. After I'm done using the toilet I step toward the sink to wash my hands and he grabs my wrist, halting me.

"I'm just washing my hands." I bite the words out through gritted teeth.

He releases me and takes a step back. I roll my sore wrist and quickly wash my hands. After hanging from the shackles for who knows how long both of my wrists are bruised, rings of blue mar the pale skin like a brand. I'm sure enjoys seeing the mark there, the sadist that he clearly is.

As soon as I finish drying my hands off Riot grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me out of the powder room. It feels degrading being guided by the back of your neck like a pup being carried around by their mom but I don't bother fighting his hold. I'm not strong enough for that yet.

We go back into the basement but not before I quickly scope out the locks on the door and there's many of them unfortunately. I bite back a defeated sigh and force the feeling down so the disappointment doesn't show on my face. I'd hoped it wouldn't be so difficult but I knew better. It's just more motivation to gain his trust. Maybe he'll let me move to the first level eventually.

Riot secures the shackle back around my wrist and points at the food on the tray he'd brought in earlier. "Eat."

I stare at the assortment and wrinkle my nose. "How do I know you didn't poison it?" I ask without thinking.

He gives me a malicious smile. "You'd be stupid to think I'd ever poison you, topolina. I'd never let you die that easily. You'll take your last breath under the blade of my knife right before my eyes when I've grown tired of playing with you."

I bite the inside of my cheek as I swallow the fear threatening to take over my entire body. Of course he'd never let me die that easily, I should've known.

"You never said whether or not she was alive? Is she okay?" I ask, my thoughts going to Nolani.

I don't even know the woman but the guilt I carry for putting her in danger is heavy on my heart.

His eyes harden as he stares down at me. "You mean you actually care?"

"Of course." Emotion claws its way up my throat and I try my best to swallow it down. "I was forced to do what I did, I didn't have a choice." I demand, keeping my voice low and even although I had the urge to shout it in his face.

Just because he enjoys harming others doesn't mean I do. Death is an unwelcome ghost that haunts me daily thanks to my father. Why does he think I gave up the address to the safe house so easily?

He stares at me for a moment and then sighs, "She's okay, she's alive. One of the babies didn't make it though." My chest aches as he pauses. Because of me a baby died. "Your cousin kicked her in the stomach." He grits the words out and I suddenly feel so nauseous I'm afraid I'll throw up right on his shoes. I clutch my stomach, the chain attached to my shackle clinking loudly.

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