A little Note

13 2 0

I am Jedi! Pronounce it how you like, it will still be correct.
I wondered how to approach this, and I decided that even if my entry has a sad or negative mood, I'm still going to add something positive at the end of it. Because maybe I could read back on it, and still see some sort of positive way, or somehow to look forward.
As the title says, it's  journal....but sporadic. Mostly because I forget to keep up with the habit and tend to write when I can no longer ignore the urge to do so. Perhaps that's why when i write it's kind of dramatic....or maybe that's just because I'm poetic in nature.
Speaking of poems, not all my entries are going to be a regular old entry. Some days, I'm gonna just write three or four poems because I feel particularly heavy, or just itching to write. I tend to keep dates on my entries, so I could read back and say 'Gosh I was such a child', and act grown up and cool.
This is a NO JUDGEMENT zone, if you feel inclined to share something share it. If anyone is mean to you, we could find them together....and talk to them. Talk only for legal purposes. Don't judge me either I guess, that goes without saying. Everyone has experiences and responds differently differently to it. No one is perfect, and since I'm pretty sure the community here is full of humans, we're all equally shitty in some way or another. Don't be rude, just be kind. Other wise I'll fig-
I mean talk to you 🙂.
I'm just gonna write to my hearts content, this is a way of keeping track, of my growth as a person, if my mental health improved over time or something.
Anyways, see you in my entries🤗🤗

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