Chapter 44: Apologies

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Mia, Nessa and I were packing in Kane's office and Mia hadn't spoken a single word since she said "Luna" upon greeting me. She didn't ignore me and she didn't challenge me the way Dean had, but she definitely wasn't one for talking. Nessa, to her credit, tried very hard to break the ice, to engage Mia despite her obvious reluctance. Mia didn't ignore Nessa either, she just never said a word. It was all nods and shrugs and headshakes. It was driving me crazy but I was trying to be patient because they'd obviously been through hell.

"Were you born in this pack, Mia?" I asked as I transferred the files to another box. She nodded. I sighed. "How old are you?"

She dropped a book in a box and I wasn't totally sure she would answer at first. "Twenty-four."

Ah, she and Dean were actually a little older than Kane then. Not by much, but still. I wondered how close they were in age to me since I was also twenty-four but it didn't seem like she felt like sharing.

"How long have you been a Gamma?" I tried.

She held up three fingers before picking up another book and dropping it in the box. A woman of few words was too generous a statement for her.

"Mia was in the first round of Gammas," Nessa chimed in. "She's one of the original ranked wolves before Alpha brought in more."

"Ben's the only original ranked wolf," Mia said, dropping another book in the box. Well, at least Nessa got something out of her. Nessa sighed and it became painfully clear to me that Nessa was trying to reach Mia in a way I couldn't. They were mind-linking.

Nessa clearly gave up and gave me a small smile. "Ben became ranked first. It took a while for Alpha to assign anyone as Gamma and Delta," Nessa explained. "Mia joined the trials for the first round when he decided to bring more people on. Dean was in the second round."

Thank Goddess for Nessa at least trying to make this not awkward. It was better than nothing and also information I didn't know. Mia was ranked before Dean was?

"Dean didn't run the trial with you?" I asked Mia.

She shrugged. That was it. Nessa looked between us nervously and picked up another file, stuffing it in the box and offering me a smile. "Dean was in the first round, but he was recovering from a pretty intense injury and didn't quite make it. Alpha told him to try again in the next round and by then, he'd healed enough."

"Oh," I nodded. "I see."

"Uh huh," Nessa said, looking between me and Mia again. Well, at least I wasn't the only one picking up on the awkwardness. "How long have you been a Gamma?" Nessa asked.

"Nine years," I answered.

"Nine?" Mia repeated, finally looking over at me. She broke eye contact immediately but still seemed just as confused. "How old are you?"

"Same as you," I said, packing up another file.

"You ranked at fifteen?" Mia asked, turning more towards me. It was the first hint of emotion she'd shown and I was thankful for it.

"Yep," I nodded. "Worked real hard for it."

"Damn," Mia muttered, picking up another file and sliding it in the box.

"Was it hard for you to join the rankings?" I asked Mia. "I mean, you're the only ranked woman, so I've heard."

"I wasn't the only one that tried out," Mia said, closing up the box and scribbling on the top with a marker. "I just was the only one who knew how to fight."

"Bryce didn't let us learn how to fight," Nessa added.

I nodded slowly. I wasn't surprised, based off what Kane told me. "How did you know how to fight?" I asked Mia.

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