Chapter 8: Angry

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It was time for lunch and I didn't have the energy to go somewhere else. Plus, hiding was a bad plan. Kane needed to know I could stand my ground. He couldn't make me do anything, our bond certainly couldn't make me do anything, despite his gross comment last night.

I was piling food on at the buffet, trying to not repeat what Kane said over and over again in my head. Instead I focused on my other problem. Twenty grand. Xander and Addie would be pissed if I went rogue hunting for that but I was running out of options. If Mateo's friend couldn't help, we needed a backup.

I reached for a spoon to scoop fruit at the same time someone else did. I withdrew my hand and glanced up, seeing Kane's Beta on the other side of the buffet. Fuck. Of course.

"You first," he insisted, tucking his hands behind his back.

I sighed and grabbed the spoon, hurriedly piling it on then handing it to him.

"I'm Ben, by the way," he introduced.

I didn't know what to say to him. As I looked at him I remembered myself when Addie arrived and I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't know if she would stay and it broke my heart because she wasn't just Xander's mate, she was my Luna and my connection to her was instant. Kane had been a dick but his Beta didn't deserve the backlash for that, I just didn't want to place false hope when I didn't know what happened with Kane.

"Tess," I said, giving my best smile.

"I know," he nodded, darting his eyes away.

I should leave it at that. But he looked so torn and I could feel his tension. Damn my guilt.

"So are you Beta number one or number two?" I tried.

"I was the first Beta," he answered, his expression lightening.

"Does it suck to have a second Beta?" I asked, moving down the line.

"It was awkward at first," he admitted. "But no, there's more than enough work to go around. We've been debating about getting even a third unles-" He stopped and swallowed, darting his eyes away again. "Sorry," he muttered.

Dammit. Guilt sucked.

"Hey, it's okay," I assured him, shrugging. "I'm not going to bite your head off unless you give me a reason to so don't sweat it. I know it's hard when you don't know what the future of your pack is, I get it."

He nodded and smiled lightly. "Thanks."

I continued moving on but I could tell there was something he wanted to say. He remained silent. I couldn't take it.

"Spit it out, Ben," I said, grabbing a piece of bread.

"I don't want to give you a reason to bite off my head," he teased lightly.

I laughed. "Well, I'm asking for it so go ahead."

"He's not that bad," Ben said quickly, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "I know he's... I know he's rough around the edges but that's just his shell. He has a hard time trusting people but he's not as cold as he seems. He actually cares a lot, he just isn't that great at showing it and he... He's really not great with words. He has a quick temper but it's only because he cares so much. He wouldn't actually hurt someone he cared about, especially not you. Please give him another chance."

I sighed because I'd been in his position before and it was the worst. I also didn't know what to say to him. I opened my mouth to speak when someone else did.

"Tess," an uneasily smooth voice said.

I growled lowly, rolling my eyes. Ben's brows furrowed in concern and I shook my head at him, turning to the vampire.

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