Chapter 7: Conflicted

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I decided I didn't need to be as formal so went with shorts instead of a skirt and a loose tank top. It wouldn't matter. Everything would be sticky almost immediately. I hated the south.

Cassie and Renzo stayed silent as we drove to the conference center and I couldn't blame them. Even I knew the aura I was giving off was not pleasant. I had to get ahold of myself before I faced anyone so Cassie and Renzo went in ahead of me and I focused on breathing.

Gamma first and foremost. I could do that. I'd never not been able to do that. It wasn't about to change. With one final breath I felt a sense of calm come over me. Things weren't better but I could get through today and I'd be damned if Kane saw how much he hurt me last night.

I got out of the car and walked in with my chin up, ignoring the stares. By now, it was pretty obvious there was something going on between Kane and I. I listened in but heard no mention of mates. Hopefully they wouldn't put it together because then I would have to tell Addie and Xander. Truth is, I didn't put it past either one of them to fly down here and kick his ass even with what was going on. They were both over-protective.

Of course my mate was right by the door when I walked in. I felt his gaze on me, smelled his intoxicating scent, and walked right by without looking at him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him move towards me and his Beta put an arm out. "Maybe try giving her space," he said quietly. Not quietly enough, I still heard him part of me appreciated he stepped in. "Just for a little bit, try giving her space."

I didn't think Kane would listen to him and I definitely felt the irritation in our bond that his Beta would tell him to do something. I expected him to snap back but surprisingly, he didn't. I wanted to read into that but I just didn't have the fucking time and one moment of him backing off didn't make up for his comment last night.

I went to the buffet in the center and grabbed a muffin. I didn't feel like eating but that wasn't the point. It was for show. So Kane could see he didn't hold power over me.

Maybe he did just a little but I'd be damned if he knew that.

"Tess," Mateo greeted, coming up next to me. "You did well yesterday."

"Thanks," I smiled, taking a bite of the muffin. "I know we had valid excuses to not be here before but is it fucked up if I say I almost hope something happens next year so I don't have to do this again?"

"No," Mateo laughed. "I don't think anyone likes it. It's not just you. Listen, I hoped to talk to you about Luna Ad-"

"Not here," I said quickly, stepping closer to him. "Let's take a walk," I suggested.

I heard Kane's growl but ignored it and walked off with Mateo. We went into the same abandoned hallway where I first saw Kane. Fucking asshole. No one followed us and I smelled nor heard anyone nearby. We stopped and I nodded.

"I know Cassie's been looking for something to help," Mateo began. "I didn't say anything before because I didn't want to give hope for something that wouldn't happen but it's safe to say now. I have distant cousins over in Spain, one is mated to a fae. From what I've heard, he's a pretty powerful one, specializes in healing."

My heart leapt and I pulled out my phone. "Details?"

"I've already contacted him and he's flying in. He'll arrive to the states tomorrow and to Washington by the day after. He's never treated anyone that was pregnant before but he's treated a lot of things and he was willing to give it a try," Mateo shrugged.

"I understand," I nodded. "How will they get in contact?"

"I already gave him Alpha Xander's number and my pack is expecting him."

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