Chapter 40: Jealousy

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Dean was not happy. I expected a fight but surprisingly I just got a very pissed off look before he grabbed the keys and circled around to the driver's side. He liked it even less when I took the keys from him and sent him back to the passenger side. The other boys were concerned but they listened and went in a separate car. I waited until we were driving before I spoke.

"Let it out, dude," I said, shaking my head.

"What?" He asked.

"Whatever it is you're pissed at me for," I said, giving him a side-glance. "I don't think we have a long drive ahead of us so you better get it out while you can without the others getting protective of me."

"I have nothing to say," he said, crossing his arms.

"Bullshit. You may be pissed at me but I am your Luna. Don't just keep it in, that's not going to help either one of us," I said, shaking my head.

"You're not my Luna unless you actually join the pack," he snapped.

"You sure about that? You wanna test that theory?" I challenged.

He muttered something and stayed silent. Goddess, he was the silent type, too. There was only one way this was going to work. I waited until Ben pulled onto the highway so turning around wouldn't be easy for him and then I turned the car around.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked.

"We're going to work out that anger you're holding in," I said simply, taking a turn back into the forest and down a different road so we wouldn't end up back in the territory. I doubted Kane would approve of my methods.

"I told you I have nothing to say," he growled.

"Yeah well your shitty attitude is telling me another story," I said simply, parking at a clearing the tress. "Get out," I said, getting out of the car.

He got out and slammed the door, crossing his arms and glaring at me. Geeze, he was starting to look like a toddler throwing a tantrum at this point.

"Is that your starting position in training?" I asked. "I heard you were a good fighter but I'm not getting that from this," I said, gesturing to his stance.

"I'm not going to train with you," he said through clenched teeth.

"Yeah, I think you are," I said, walking over and grabbing his arm, twisting it behind his back and pressing him into the car. "Why are you pissed off at me? We've spent zero time together."

"Fuck off," he growled, shoving back and actually managing to make me lose my balance.

"Better, still not good," I shrugged, coming at him again.

He was faster than I expected for being so big but I got him up against a tree, making his eyes glow and a low growl escape.

"Try again," I said. "Why are you pissed at me?"

He growled and broke out of my grip, grabbing my wrists and attempting to pin them behind me and push me against the tree. That backfired. Man, they needed versatility training, it was the same move Kane pulled on me. I braced on the tree with my feet and shoved back, knocking us to the ground and flipping over to pin him down.

"Why are you pissed at me?" I said, pressing my knees into his legs so he couldn't use them against me. He growled in frustration and tried to move us but he underestimated me. He only slightly rolled us and I shoved him back into the ground. I could only hope he would give in sooner rather than later because admittedly, he was strong as fuck. "Why?" I repeated.

"You're not good enough for him," he growled. "Why should I just submit to you? You hurt him and you're changing things already. Kane would never have burned that house down if not for you. You're just a Gamma, you have no place as a Luna."

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