I don't listen to Kie and lean against the wall for the millionth time,"I can—do it!" I put all my focus into pushing myself up. Everything is upside down again and I feel the blood rush to my head which gives me an immediate headache. My back is bent and now all I have to do is push my legs up and balance. JJ walks over and sits in front of me,"Havin' fun?" He tilts his head and smiles. I'm really trying to push myself up so I don't answer and then suddenly, I feel my legs go up and everyone shouts in happiness for me. I smile at my own victory but then, everything gets blurry and my head is pounding. My victory is short-lived because I proceeded to lose consciousness and the last thing I felt was JJ catching me.

Never again will I do a headstand.

    JJ's giggle kicks me out of the memory and I almost turn around to ask what he's giggling at but I stop myself. "You guys remember Vanessa?" I look at the car door handle and wonder how bad it would hurt to hop out right now. Hesitantly, John B responds, "Yeah—why?" We exchange a look and I get ready for him to praise my older half sister. "She's so nice, she's been texting everyday to check on me. It's so cute."

Adoration is clear in his voice and I audibly gag at his compliment. JJ scoffs but doesn't say anything. "Layla and I texted all weekend—we might hang out sometime this week." A large smile goes across my face, "That's really good, Pope. She's really pretty."

"Is she a touron or someone from here? I've never seen her," John B asks. Pope hops up and is leaving on our seats while crouched in the middle,"She's, uh, a year younger. Also, a—Kook." We all gasp at Pope. I turn to him with my jaw slightly dropped. "She's a Kook? She's so nice!" An unusual trait for a Kook. Pope has an eyebrow raised at me, "Dean is on The Cut and is an ass—"

  "You act like you don't think the same about Kooks, Heyward," I sass Pope but he just rolls his eyes and goes on, "She doesn't associate with other Kooks though. Only Sarah—like Sam." Him mentioning Sarah reminds me I haven't seen her in a bit. Ward wasn't at my house this weekend, at least when I was there he wasn't. Sarah and I exchanged a few texts but she must've been at a different party or home because I didn't see her on Friday for the short time I was there. 

"Pope getting laid? Never thought it would happen!" JJ laughs but Pope just sits back down on the floor, "I'm not using her for sex, JJ. Some of us are capable of more than getting laid."

  A bitter reminder that JJ is into hookups and not relationships. It's not that I wouldn't have sex with him—it's just I wouldn't only want sex.

  The real question is am I mentally stable enough for a relationship at the moment? "I don't just get my dick wet—" He stops and thinks for a moment "—I'm just very hard to keep down. I like to spread my wings."

"More like your legs." My own comment catches me off guard. It wasn't meant to be said out loud. The van is silent as I take in all my friend's faces. John B and Pope are amused while JJ—isn't.

   "First thing you say to me in two days is that I am a whore. Makes sense." A hint of playfulness is in his tone but I can tell he's slightly annoyed by my comment.

  I turn back in my seat and just stay silent as we pull into the house. John B's dad is home again but he's always in his little room.

  We all walk in and immediately go for the snacks Mr. Routledge provides us. "Hi dad!" John B shouts in hopes his dad will come say hi. "John B, did JJ finish the fruit roll-ups?" Pope looks through the cabinets.

"No!" JJ answers. "Yes, he did," John B confirms and grabs some chips. "Why'd you rat on me like that? Such a narc."

  "It's fruit roll-ups, JJ. Not cocaine," John B tosses me a bag of chips which I catch and open. Suddenly, the room that his dad basically lives in opens and his dad emerges, "Hey guys—hi, John B. How was school?" He looks tired. The bags under his eyes are painfully obvious. "It was—school, y'know?" His dad hums like he understands.

NICKNAMES [1], jj maybankTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang