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I genuinely think I'm going to pass out or puke or something. Vanessa's expression matches mine but Blake is confused. "Aren't you JJ's friend?"

"Didn't you make out with JJ?" I throw a question back at her question. "Huh? Who's JJ?" Blake nudges his—our—sister. "What do you mean she made out with JJ?" My mom is more flabbergasted than I am right now. I hear Marcus whisper under his breath oh my God which makes me turn around but he isn't looking at me.

  I can't tell which part pisses me off more, the that fact Weston has more kids or the fact that my new sister already tried to fuck JJ. "Um—I'm Blake, this must be really hard for you. I'm so sorry," Blake puts his hand out to me and I hesitate to shake it but after a second, I do. "How long have you known?" My eyes keep shifting between the two. Are they the same age or twins because they look the same age?

Blake glances at Vanessa who isn't giving me a dirty look but whatever look it is enough for me to just pay more attention to Blake. "When he sent us to the island, like almost a week ago. He said that we had to meet our family but gave us no address or context, my mom had to give it to us."

Typical Weston, thinking the bare minimum is good enough.

Staring at Blake makes me realize we look nothing alike. He's blonde with brown eyes and I'm a brunette with green eyes. Vanessa at least has blue eyes but blonde hair to match her brother. It's making me curious on what their mom looks like because I can't find a spot of Weston in their features. "Are you both 18?" I point at them. Vanessa glances at Blake for him to answer but he ignores her which makes her roll her eyes,"We're twins."

Since when was twins a thing in his genes? I know almost nothing about my own father, only the things he told me to manipulate me into feeling bad. My mom is pacing the living room while the boys keep letting out deep breaths. I just assume Marcus is in too much shock to say something. "I should kill him!" My mom is beyond frustrated.

Before we left my parents had been together for 23 years so obviously, he's a cheater on top of an abuser. "I'm going to the bathroom or—or somewhere in this house before I explode!" I watch my mom stomp away and into some room in the house. I'm not anxious to be around them, I just have no idea which questions to ask. "Do you know anything about Marcus or Sam?" Brandon is being so delicate with the situation. "We just knew they were younger than us—Weston—never told us much. I guess living such a Hannah Montana lifestyle made him forget key information," Blake let out a nervous laugh.

Oh my—I look behind me at Marcus and we both have the same theory at the same time. All those times he was doing work on the island—he was raising a different fucking family. Did he abuse them too? If they weren't, what the fuck was wrong with me that he hurt me? It isn't their fault but I feel myself getting angry at the two of them. "Did he hit you guys?" My question surprises both of them. "I—" Blake is at a loss of words. "No, did he hit—you?"

I cannot believe this—what deems me as the fuck up? What's so special about them?

"Yeah—he fucking did," I step closer to Vanessa and the rational part of me keeps saying this isn't her fault, "So badly, we had to leave our home. Tell Weston to stay away from us and get off the island. Marcus and I want nothing to do with you."

"Sam—I don't know what dad put you through but I'm so sorry. He never physically abused us but he would mentally abuse us. It's nothing compared to physical abuse but at least try to have a relationship with us. You guys were hidden for so long—don't let him ruin this for you as well." Blake is so logical, nothing like Weston. I could tell Vanessa is more aggressive but passive aggressive. She's studying me, that's why she's not speaking much. "He's not my dad, he can be yours all you want. He's Weston. Please, just leave us alone. Maybe even give us time."

NICKNAMES [1], jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now