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   IT'S THE NEXT DAY in school. The next class I have is with Kiara and though she switched seats a while ago—I don't want to see her. I'm in between Pope and JB while JJ is at the end. JJ has been talking about his hangout with my half sister and it's driving me crazy. "She took me to the ice cream shop and she ordered a rocky road—I was like—this is gonna work. Rocky road is the best ice cream flavor—"

   "You're determining this on her ice cream flavor?" Pope makes a face at JJ and I hide my laugh. "She's also a risk taker, so like, all bonuses here."

   We get to my class and I turn around, "I will see you guys later?" I use finger guns at them and they wave back before leaving me to my class. Being here knowing she's about to walk in is enough to give me a headache. The teacher walks in and right behind her—Kiara.

   She doesn't even glance at me but I send her a glare. She sits with her new friends. I'm pissed and being mad is the first stage of grief. The rest of the boat ride last night I was pretty quiet until Pope gave me a beer. I was scared that if I got too drunk I'd tell them and hurt them. I don't care about Kiara's feelings—she didn't care about mine, clearly. I don't want to see the look on the boys' faces when they realize she's making out with Rafe Cameron.

Weird to think at some point in my younger years I looked up to the eldest Cameron child. He was always a bit—off, it just got worse over the years. An odd and really unfun fact is that Rafe Cameron, saved my life when I was a kid. The Cameron family had taken me to the beach one day and I wandered off. The waves were way too high for my small child body but I'm stupid and went into the water. A wave had scooped me up and I guess Rafe found me because all I remember is Rafe grabbing me and taking me to land.

  It's the last time I remember him being nice to me because after that—he gained this hatred for me. I've never understood why he had such a switch up after saving me from drowning.

The teacher starts the lesson and I divert my attention to my notes.

The end of the class doesn't come quick enough. The bell rings and I grab my shit and get up to go. I feel a presence next to me and I look up to see Kiara. "No—"

"Let me talk to you, Sam." I flung my bag on my shoulder and leave the classroom but I can tell she's following. I'm not dealing with this right now or maybe ever. She catches up to me and grabs my shoulder. A go to elbow her but she moves back in time, "Really?"

"Get away from me, Kiara," I don't even turn around to look at her and try to walk away but she grabs my bag. "Sam, please." There's no one in the hallway now and the others are waiting for me in the van. I decide to turn around and her face is all scrunched up, "I'm really sorry, okay? Can we just be friends again—"

  "No—no! You are not my friend, Kie! Don't talk to me!" I yell so loud at her she jumps back. I've never expected for those words to leave my mouth directed at Kiara.

   She doesn't say anything back and I stomp out the school. The lump in my throat comes back and I want to cough it up. I do not want to cry in school right now. I run down the stairs and the very few people in the school are waiting for rides or after school activities. I can hear my phone going off and I know it's probably John B but I'm about to see him. I can see the van from the front doors of the school. They're all leaning against the van talking about something and I almost want to run to JJ and just let him give me a hug. I haven't felt his touch in days and it's my own fault for pushing him away and I know this but I'm terrified to be in love with the chaotic blonde.

NICKNAMES [1], jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now