Chapter 20: What about the pain?

Start from the beginning

"It's fine." Shancai said quickly.

"Sorry." Lei apologized.

"Why are you apologizing?" Shancai asked confused.

"If I didn't come back, you could've been with Si." Lei said.

"You don't have to apologize to me. Who would want to be with him? Also, Meiling would have been stayed mad and angry if you stayed in Paris. Besides, if you didn't come back, I wouldn't have witnessed the new person you are now." Shancai said softly.

"The new person? You sound like Ming. How am I different?" Lei asked confused.

"The old you was very lazy. And the way you spoke was so cold. You seemed very distant. Like this: 'I'm not interested in other people's problems." Shancai said reciting his words from the first time they met as she smiled.

Lei give her a small smile. "Actually, I spoke like that to the people I don't know. The way I talk to you now is because we got to know each other. I talk more freely when I am comfortable around a person." Lei informed with a small smile.

"When you used to say that other people's problems were not your concern, I used to get so sad. But now that we got to know each other, I really like the way you are Huaze Lei." Shancai said smiling and Lei looked at her. "I'm willing to be your good friend forever." Shancai said and Lei got up and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you for being so understanding." Lei said and the two smiled looking at each other.

"No problem..." Shancai said smiling. " know how you feel about Jing right?" Shancai asked and the boy nodded. " do you feel about Meiling?" Shancai asked curious already knowing that the older girl might have romantic feelings towards the boy.

"I still don't know..." Lei said a little frustrated. "I know that I don't want her far away from me. I miss the times when we used to hug a lot. I also hate the fact she has a frown on her face every time she sees me. I can't take the fact she is even hiding her anger and frustration from me. She used to show me her emotions, even if it was anger, happiness, sadness...she wouldn't hide from me....but now....I think I made matters worse for everybody." Lei said looking down at his hands.

Shancai smiled a little and put her hand over his as he looked at her. "I may not know Meiling better than you or the guys...but I think all she needs is to have a little time to process everything. I know she doesn't want to hurt you guys, so maybe that's why she is keeping her feelings concealed. Trust the process Lei, and if you have patience you will see everything will go back to normal." Shancai said giving a small smile and Lei sighed and nodded.

In the hallways the two Doaming siblings walked inside the house. "We are home." Si announced the butler.

"Ah Si, Meiling. Your sister, Shancai and your best friends are having a gathering in the dining room." The butler informed smiling.

"How dare they have a gathering here?" Si asked with a harsh tone surprising the butler.

"Brother...calm down." Meiling said as she linked her arm with his. She then turned to the butler, smiled and nodded. "Thank you for informing us. We will go to greet them." Meiling said smiling as she dragged Si after her. The butler smiled at the youngest family's heir's gesture and manners.

In the dinning room, Meizuo, Ximen and Zhuang were chatting peacefully.

"You are close to my brother. Why won't you teach him how to get along with girls?" Zhuang asked frustrated.

"Ms. Zhuang, aside from you and Meili, what other girls can get along with Si?" Meizuo asked amused.

"Ms. Zhuang, it isn't just the girls. Even the guys. Aside from us, no one wants to play with him." Ximen complained and Meizuo nodded.

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