Have We Met Before?

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you're not cold? I could lend you my jacket," Noah suggested but I didn't let him take his clothes off.

"No, it's okay. Don't worry. I'm not that cold." Would it be rude to admit that I just didn't want his jacket to be an excuse to see me again?

"Well I could always warm you up with a hug," he flirted shyly. He didn't try to hug me or anything, he just suggested it with a blushing smile. It made me smile at how adorable the gesture was. At least he tried, right?

From the corner of my eye, someone caught my attention. It was Asa leaving the restaurant I just came out of... He wore a casual black suit with his signature silky shirt that was left unbuttoned at the top. Was he on a date too? Why was he at a restaurant? Who was he with?! It better not have been with a girl!

He noticed me too and didn't seem to hesitate as he sauntered over to where I was. He had a subtle smirk on his face when he approached and I felt the heat rising to my cheeks. He was making me nervous... This was bad.

"It really is a small world," Asa said and the two guys seemed confused.

Lisa was wide eyed and staring at me with shock. Then it changed to a face of fear as she gestured to our dates. She didn't know how to react and to be honest, I didn't know what to do either. I had the same reaction. It felt like I was cheating on Asa somehow. 

"Do you... know each other?" Noah asked and looked between Asa and I. Well, to be fair, Asa made direct eye contact with me and now he was checking me out slightly.

"Nope," Asa replied casually. Did he really have to answer so fast? "Actually, I think I've seen you on a few magazine covers before and I couldn't help but approach. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Then he put on a charming smile and stuck his hand out to me and said, "Rosé, right?"

I took his hand awkwardly and shook it. I knew he was clowning me right now and it was clearly working because I was probably so fucking red from embarrassment. And I didn't want Asa to see me like this—on a date with another man. I didn't want to give him the wrong impression.

"Are you sure you've never met before?" Noah asked in suspicion.

"No... This is the first time," I replied.

"Well, ahem, I'm Noah," said Noah who suddenly became a little over protective. He moved in front of me and offered his own hand.

"Asa," he said as they shook hands.

"What the hell is your boyfriend doing here?" Lisa asked me under her breath.

"How would I know? You didn't tell him we were here, did you?" I whispered.

"No, why would I?"

"Wait, did you just call him my boyfriend?" I asked but Lisa only shushed me and pointed my attention back to the boys.

"You've got an awfully strong grip, Noah," Asa said.

"As do you... Asa."

"You work out?"

"Every weekend, yeah."

"Which gym?"


"On mainstreet?"

"Yeah. Do you go there too?"

"I go there sometimes, but only for the pull up bar."

Noah's expression perked, "No way, are you the guy in the mask who does like 100 pull-ups then dips?"

Then the two of them smiled like they came to an incredible, life-changing realization.

"Are you the guy who tried to bench weights that are too heavy and always ends up needing someone to spot him?" Asa asked back.

"This is one of the strangest things I've ever seen in my life..." Lisa said to me but I had my arms crossed over my chest. "Why is Asa being weird?"

"Pft, I don't know. He's always like this when there's other guys around me," I mumbled.

Yeah, this conversation was strange but I knew exactly what Asa was trying to do. He was trying to take Noah away. It wasn't like I was going to date him but come on! Asa had to stop doing this.

"This guy's insane," Noah said in astonishment about Asa, like he's just met his idol. "He could do almost 100 pull-ups in a row like it's nothing."

"Awh, come on, I've been practicing for a while anyway," said Asa, trying to humble himself.

I rolled my eyes and looked away. I turned to the restaurant and saw my reflection on the glass windows. Geez, my cheeks were so red! Good thing I knew how to avenge myself with him.

"Asa," I said and everyone looked at me. I took a few steps closer to him and touched his arm. "It's Asa, right?"

He smirked and not a moment later, I felt the warmth of his hand lingering onto the side of my body, holding my hip under my jacket. "Mhm," he hummed in response. In the cold night air, I loved the feeling of his touch. I wish we could be closer.

"You know, you remind me of someone," I told him.

Asa smiled and let out a laugh through his nose. "Like who?"

"Some guy I met at a bar a while ago. He had an irresistible charm. You even have the same style as him." I put a hand on his chest and played with one of the buttons. "My style."

"Oo~ that's my girl," Lisa mumbled teasingly and from the side, I saw her proud smirk.

I ignored her and moved even closer to Asa, pressing my body against his as I pulled his head down for my lips to reach his ear. I whispered something that I knew would make his head explode.

After that little gesture, I escaped his touch and went to stand next to Lisa again. My words did the trick and Asa was successfully blushing a deep pink in his cheeks. He cleared his throat and looked around the group, at the boys who were too stunned to speak. It was awkward of course but I didn't care. I only smiled at the fact that Asa was the one who was blushing now.

"It was nice having dinner with you but Lisa and I should get home now," I said to Noah and his friend.

"Yeah..." my date said awkwardly. "We've gotta head home too. Stay safe."

"I'll see you next time, Asa," I said and pulled Lisa down the street. When we got far enough, my confidence faded and I had my entire body cringed. Gah, how embarrassing! Flirting like that took a lot of effort and now I felt bad for my date who had to witness me flirting with another guy. I know he didn't have a chance but that's gotta hurt his pride a little.

"I can't believe you just did that," Lisa said in disbelief. "That was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. I mean, pass me the holy water because your flirting was next level. Is that how you are around Asa?"

"Stop it. I'm not proud of it either," I replied.

"Why don't you guys get married already? This seems like a good story for the wedding."

I slapped her arm and whined, "I said stop!"

She laughed and swung an arm over my shoulder, "Oh, come on. You're so in love with him. You were so embarrassed when he showed up that you wanted to flirt with him as pay back. I know you, Rosé. Don't be shy and catch a ride home with him. I bet he's still standing on the sidewalk."

"Please, no more teasing," I pouted. "I just want go home and lie in my bed."

"With Asa on top of-"

"Stop it!" I shouted and ran away from her as fast as I could.

"Hold on, what did you whisper in his ear though?!!!"

I've gotta get him out of my head!

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