32 | freak

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The next thing I knew I was in a tin can with hand sized holes poked through all along the top.

"Rise and shine!" Jasper says kicking me awake. They were all already standing up. The look of panic that we were all very used to was painted on everyone's faces.

Clarke looked in her pocket and pulled out the second chip. Which was luckily still there. Octavia began hitting the walls hoping someone would hear us.

They did.

Two metal doors swing open and a white light shines in blinding everything I could see.

"This isn't good for your concussion." Clarke whispers to me.

"You think?!" I say shutting my eyes hopefully blocking the light. As soon as I felt like they were adjusted I opened my eyes.

A tall beautiful woman with red curly hair was standing in front of us. She looked like a fairy or something not real. She was gorgeous.

"Luna." Octavia speaks first breaking the silence.

"Where's Lincoln?" Luna (hopefully) asks.

"Lincoln is dead." Octavia chokes out.

"Lincoln said that you would help us." Clarke helps out the dying conversation.

"Did he?" She tilts her head with attitude. Damn.

"Luna, you're the last of your kind, the last nightblood." Clarke expressed. She was trying to stay so positive but the woman in front had more sass in her stance then I did.

What about Cameron?

"So Lexa's dead as well along with Cameron I assume." Luna smirks.

"Her spirit has chosen you to become the next commander. Titus entrusted me with the flame to give to you. After Cameron died he wanted you."

"Then he should have told you that I left my conclave swearing to never kill again."

"Girl we get it you're a pacifist, slay all the way, but so many people are-" Clarke hits me to get me to stop.

"You don't have to kill. To lead is your birthright, how you lead is your choice." She smiles into her words and walks closer to Luna, handing her the Alie chip.

"I recognize the scared symbol."

"Yeah it's just a sideways 8 really nothing important. It literally just means infinity."

"But, what is that?" Luna continued, ignoring my joke.

Okay I get it not the time.

"Ignore her. This is the flame. It holds the spirits of the commanders, of Lexa. Will you take it and become the next commander?" Clarke suggested. It felt like an eternity waiting for Luna to answer.

"No." She simply states and walks out of the container.

"What?" I say as we all stand there confused.

"Hey! Wait!" Clarke runs out following her and we all follow.

We were surrounded by water. It was like a mini man made island. It was gorgeous. Not the metal island we were on, the sea. The sky was blue, the water was clear and blue matching the sky.

"How is- where is this?" Octavia confusingly looks around like the rest of us.

"Somewhere off the coast of Delaware, maybe. If Ton D.C. is Washhington then this could actually be the Atlantic Ocean." I answer.

Clarke and Jasper look at me with confusion.

"I liked maps." I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm sure she's right let's just go." Octavia says and her, Clarke and Jasper walk in.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora