20 | beautiful

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Walking alone around an unknown place is scarier than you might think. But this place was kind of like the ark. No windows, hallways on end. Confusion. I see a guard, at least there was someone. I hide behind a door. Turns out it wasn't a door, it was an elevator. I go in and go to level 5. Idk why. The walls were made of rock. I hear screaming coming from down the hall. I walk in and 3 guards were pointing guns at me. Great plan Avery!

"Hey." I put my arms up in defence. The guards come up to grab me but I kick his knee in. "That's definitely broken." I shout. The other guard comes up and I punch him in the face. He punches me back harder. "Ow."

"Just shoot her already!" The other guard yells.

"No, no she's feisty and a sky person, we need her alive." Another man yells. The guard grabs my arms and pulls the behind me, he pushes me down. I go to head butt him but he grabs my head and knocks it against the wall. And I'm knocked out. Damn.

"Avery! Avery!" I hear faintly. I feel blood trickling down over my eye. I open my eyes to see my dad trying to wake me up.

"Dad?" I groan. He smiles.

"My girl. Doesn't know when to quit does she? Hey you put up quite a fight." He jokes. I look around to see all the guards dead. They had burns all over them, they must of opened the vents to the outside world. Radiation.

The doors swing open with Octavia on the other side.  She comes and unlocks my dads handcuffs first, then me. My dad goes to help Abby up, she was on the table. The took her bone marrow.

"Avery how the hell did you get in here I thought you were with Lincoln." Octavia pulls me in for a hug.

"Lexa betrayed us." I sigh. Octavia let's go of the hug and my knees weaken and I fall. She kneels down beside me.

"You okay?" She asks. I nod.

"Yeah just give me a second. Dude literally threw me against the wall." I joke. Octavia laughs and begins un-cuffing everyone else.

"Avery!" A familiar voice sounds. Bellamy. I look up and see him run towards me and kneel beside me, just as Octavia did. He wipes the blood dripping onto my cheek and pulls me in for a hug.

"Hi." I whisper in his ear.

"You look like shit." He whispers back. I laugh and pull away from him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Are you? What the hell happened?" I ask. He shakes his head no. His eyes soften. The same eyes I saw when I killed Atom. He opened the vents.
"Hey you had no other choice okay?"

"How did you know?"

"You are very easy to read Bellamy Blake."

He helps me stand up and my dad comes and hugs me.

"I am so proud of you." He smiles. "I love you Avery."

"Love you too dad."

We walked back over to Abby and puts her on a stretcher. They walk out together, everyone following behind. Bellamy and I stand still and watch. He looks over to me and waits for me to go but I don't.

"You called me Bell." He smirks. He stands in front of me, he's inches away from my face. We've been here before...

"Yeah yeah don't get used to it." I turn away and walk out of the room.

"Oh I liked it Avery. Maybe I should start calling you something else." He teases walking behind me.

"We're back on this now?" I roll my eyes. He walks beside me. "Okay you can choose any name, if you keep that shirt on. Not the vest, the button down."

"You're kidding. These are literally someone else's clothes."

"All our clothes are someone else's."

"Fine. Fine." He agrees. He takes the vest off. "Happy?"

"Almost." I stop him and pull him close. I unbutton his shirt. "Damn Blake you look good."

"As do you, shit head." He laughs. "No that's not it. Give me another word."


"Not exactly."

I punch him in the arm. We walk out of Mount Weather, everyone still way ahead of us. We walk for hours until we reach home.




So season 3 ep 1 chapter will either be out later today or tmr! THANKS FOR READING!



This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now