2 | bellamy

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Clarke, Finn, Monty, Jasper and Octavia were going to go get food from Mount weather. I had 2 options, be with Octavia and make sure she doesn't tell Bellamy or, be closer to Bellamy.

I chose the walk even though I hated exercising. My dad used to make me run every morning to stay fit. That's how I met Bellamy.

I was way in front of them when they started walking so I could stay a safe distance from them but still be with them. That was a good plan until they started to catch up. I guess Finn saw me and started running and so did everyone else.

"Avery?" Octavia asks. I turn around slowly with jazz hands.

"Hey! Octavia wow funny see you here! Can we go?" I say turning around back towards Mount Weather.

"Woah, woah, woah, wait you're here and Bellamy doesn't know?" She asks and I turn back around.

"He doesn't know? I'm surprised I thought I said hi to him huh what a small world..." I say trying to turn back around when she grabs my arm.

"You have to say something. You haven't seen him in what? A year. You can't be mad at him anymore." She says.

"Wait you and... Bellamy Blake?" Clarke asks. I look at her up and down wondering why tf she's trying to interfere in this conversation that has nothing to do with her.

"No me and Bellamy Blake are NOT a thing, we were friends on the ark but then I found out he lied to me the entire time we knew eachoth-" I start but Octavia cuts me off saying,

"Avery he had to lie and I understand that now. He was protecting me, he didn't mean any harm" She says.

She had a point.

"I'll think about it." I answer whipping back around and continued to walk beside Monty and Jasper.


We were walking for what seemed like days but was actually around 4 hours. We reached a river and Octavia immediately began undressing herself.

Something only a Blake would do.

"Oh, damn. I love earth." I hear Jasper say and we all turn around to see Octavia stripping her clothes off.

"Hey Clarke might want to stop drooling" I say laughing as she shoves me jokingly.

"Octavia what the hell are you doing?" Clarke asks. Octavia doesn't answer and jumps. For a split second I really thought she was about to die until we heard a splash.

"Octavia. We can't swim" Monty says worthily.

"I know but we can stand" She says back. We all start to take our clothes.

"Octavia get out of the water" Jasper yells. We all look up to see some big snake looking thing swim behind Octavia and grab her by the leg pulling her under. We lost sight of her until we hear screaming farther down stream.

"If we distract it, it might let her go, help me!" Clarke says. We all kneel to help her push a big rock into the water. The snake looking ass dinosaur was distracted, me and Jasper run to help Octavia. He jumps in and pulls her to shore just as the dinosaur passes.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu