22 | skaikru

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We stop mid night when we find a tree had fallen in the middle of the road. Indra tells us it was cut down and that we should wait until morning to lift it up. So we did. We took shifts sleeping, although we were all super restless there wasn't much sleep anyways. At one point we were all awake just looking at each other, no words. Finally Indra and my dad had fallen asleep. Or so we thought, you can never really tell what Indra is thinking or doing.

"You okay?" Bellamy smiles. We had been looking at each other all night kind of awkwardly.

"Yeah. I'm all good you?"

"I'm fine. It's starting to get light out, you think anyone is out there?"

"Honestly Blake, I don't know."

"You can never trust grounders."

"What? This is ice nation."

"Still considered a grounder to me."

"So you don't trust Cameron?"


"But Cameron saved my life. Like multiple times, that's like saying you don't trust me." I raise my voice a bit. We had been whispering this whole time and finally I got fed up.

"Well I trust you because I know you."

"You know Lincoln."

"Yeah, whatever." He pauses. He doesn't continue so we sit in silence as the sun rises.

"It's been 3 hours what could they possibly be doing." Bellamy breaks the silence. My dad and Indra fully awake now.

"Even with the light, I don't see anyone." Marcus mentions.

"They must be out there. Why don't we just run?" I ask.

"No. That's what they want us to do. Bellamy you get in the turret and cover us, once we get to that ridge over there, we'll cover you." He instructs.

"Copy that. Run fast." Bellamy breathed. His voice was super raspy. Like more than before. #puberty?
"They're here." Bellamy announces. Shit.

"Everybody out or the boy dies." We hear a man say from above.

"He's not really a boy but-" My dad cuts me off with only a quick glance. It shut me up though. Bellamys legs then get dragged through the turret. I cover my own mouth to stop from laughing. I'm not very good in times of crisis.

"Ok! Ok. We're coming out." Marcus shouts. He drops his gun and backpack. "Don't hurt him." He turns to unlock the door. He gives another glance to me. This one was 'be safe'. He opens the door and it gets pulled from his grasp. The grab him and chuck him on the ground like a doll, Indra next.

"Oh fuck me." I mumble as they grab me and throw me beside Bellamy. They shove our heads into the dirt and I can practically hear little bugs squirming below me.

I was facing Bellamy and he looked almost scared. He was trying to be tough but he wasn't good at hiding the fear in his eyes.

Aw don't get to say bye to Gina? How sad.

"All targets secured!" A women shouts.

"What do you mean targets what did we do?" I shout back. They didn't like they. The man on top of me took out a knife and sliced my cheek.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now